Minutes 1924-09-17 ~ .
~ ~84 ~
,N _ ~
~ A
~lrrayr Grande, , ~.~24.
Hoard of Tru~tees ~et in re~;ular se~sion ~rith Y~esident
F. E. Bennett in the criarir . .
Un ra~l aa11, Trustee~, Bennett, ~;able, Cox, Yoole and Conrad
reported pr~~ent, nor~s ab~ertt .
• Unapprnved ninutes read and appraved as read, *
Coennunicatian~s ' read and pl aced an f il e.
~ ax~Ama~qatxX~c~~~~~t~r~K&~~7~~~~xgxxx
~ ~~C~~c~~~~~~~~~~~Xxxxxxx
x~x~x~~x~xsx~xx~~~x~.x ~~~~~~~xzx
. ~
Urdinance Na. 3~, an Ord~.nance calling a special electiafl and ~
sub~nitting ~a tfie qual~~fied -Vaters ai' ~~ae City ~f Arroyo Cwrande,
~s~~fornia~, the propos~~ion ~a~' band3~g sa~:d p~.ty in thc s~un of
$30;0(10.00 for the purpase of buying and aoristruc~ing e~exer ~
, ~ys~en. rras read and ad~pted by the follnwing vote, .
~yes s l'rustee~, Hennet~, Nable; Gox, P!oo1~ and Conrad, ~~pp~c g
k Naes•: '~'ru~tees ~ None, Ahaent '~~ru~tees., None , . .
Un~ ~!otion~ i~~~was~ ordered =ttiat rr~ acaept th~e offer af ~Yr~ctor
and ~leghorn, on the sand ~,nd~ gravel, and to allorw the~ the su~a
of ~1~i.[~0 per thousand, for ~ X~ ~cantl.~n~, and other dieett~ion
~ a~ate~~al ~ve ~ay use, and the sL~~n of ~it?.q0 per thous~nd fnr all ~
~ 1 x R, farin lu~n"~er, sa~?e ta be n~id for as ueed~
On ~not~qn it was ordered th~t the wa~es to be paid on~.~he Qons-
~ truction a~' the win~ wa1~. at n.ason ~;treet, t~e $4,OQ per dny.
~ ffn ~nation i'~ Nn~ ora~~~a that t~e swn of ~~U0.00 be drawn Fro~
~ the C'.enera~ Y'unc~, ta ~a,y for an nption on the ~U aares of land ~
kno~n as the L. C. B~11 Tract, ~.oeated ~n tot No . 101 of the .
Ranaho Hols~a de Che~n~sal, sa~~ to be used for a se~ver 1~'ar~+,
•t`h~ ~atian was carried by th~ following vote on ro11 ca~1.
Ayea: Trust~es, R~nnett, hable, t;ox, P~ole and Conrad.
No~s: 'l~rustee~, None, rlbsent: Tfiustees, ~one. ~
~o further bus~iness appearing th~ ~eeting was ad~ourned.
C~~.y Cl erk,
, .~t t`sgt r= ~ Yres .
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