Minutes 1924-10-01 S~ - ; } [~n .a ;~rrc~;c't~ L`ranr~e, t~ctoher lst, l, h, ~ ; f ~oard of' T~tast;ees r.•et ir, re~ul~,r s~ssi~n rvith ~ 1'res~~.ent 1~' . 1~.; . l?~r.nett , in t he ch~ir . (yn ro?.1 call all r~er~k~~rs c~f the ~?narcl r~r~c~rtec~, present . LJna~?~eraved minutes re;~cl a,ni:t a~proved as read. Co~+n~unicati~ns : ~1 co~Mtinic~t~on f'ro~i L;Ti~ineers ;;ur•cl~ anct I;eck, l^f:COx;Gr.d~n~ tlae accept~,rc~~ of the ~~ason :~treet hricl~e, was re~r~. ~.nci p1K~ced nn- f'i~e - !~e f'~l l.~rr~.~~-- c~.-ai~+s a~ainst the ~itv ~~r~ a11 orved and ordered pa~el - _ ~ir~d~e ~'trncl:- - . _ No. 13, l~. ~~~n-in-~, ?~c~rk c?n wall., ~ 2(:,~()0 ' , 1.'~, -td t~-. ~~-~t~~.lirt~,n n a~___~-____-__--- 2().U~ r' n~ 1.~~~ .'i3??f.'1"t- t;].~.~E'2'~ n n n~___-______-....._ ti~1~!!~ ~ " .lf',-~'-.--t. Cn~r~r~v, ?~C) sks ceg+ent, ~-C?.[3(1 ~ " 1^'~, '1'. ~.daar+~s; B)..~cksmith rrork, ,~~tp Y " l~t, Johr l;arcii~r, ~avin~; pil~ clri~er, etc; ^~',.`!fi s • " 1.~, j'; . Cather, ctattin~ piles, ~ ~ " 2~?, I'. H'. ~tewart, a~ rk ~n ~va11, '1'otal, -~-----w .._..___w._--_____ . General_.. f,und : - T:o~. 4'r"!~'~ T,. C. ~3e1.1, f,pt~cin an ~p acres c;f lana, ~,~3[1()~(1CJ ' • " 17~~; - I{. Gam~*onis,- T:~~cc~rders cotirt, :3.~i[~ " ~f?(1, c;tewart, 4~,].~rS~, etc= -_________.~r. " ~~L, 1"a~+•l~in5 ~ r-~.~ier, ~~treet eupplies, 1~..7[i , r~ 4fi?, 4.a.nta A~.~aria Gas, (;c~ ~ ~ treet 'lir hts, 77.OFi ~ " (:o. of ~~.~..C;., I:ealt}; un~t, ~'~.('0 " IC. t~. ~~teven~on, ;~Lr~.~i; ~aork, ~r.7~ tot;:~] ril].s, -____-~___~._----_--_w_ , . , 'y Tn Lk:e matt~:r c~' tl~e ~.cre~~'~a17CE' r~f the „:ason ;-.t~l.eet ~ricl~e, ' ' sa$~~: rras laicl over Lo nexL r~ct:in~. , (n ~ati.on it ~v~.s orderec~ tZiat tlic~ w~7lot~s be ci~t fro~n eenter ef Creek, and s~,r~e r,~~,~ ~l~cec~ in hanc~.s c~f wtrec;t Gc~r;~~, ? ~ I?e~ crC of Ci.t` Clerl~ la~~.d ovcr tr~ r*F~xt: x•eetin~, as no re~+~r~ frc?~ C;~ttv i'reasurer ~r: a.: f~.l ed . ` ~ ~c further ,hus~ness a~~r?ear~n~ tY~e x~eetir~ was adjcizrne:cl, ~ . , . , ~ 9 L: t~~ r,. G2` 1 ~ r.ttest, ~ 1'res , j i . ' ~ . j . a jl