Minutes 1924-10-15 , -~T-.tF-...-.,T.~, ~ . . . ~
` ~
~ Arro,ya Grande,.Uctober lbth, ~n24, ~
Baarc~ vf '1'rustees ~et in re~ular session ~ith I'res~.dent,
E F. Ben~rett, ir~ the chair.
~ Un ro11 call, A11 me~+bers of the ~3aard rePorted,~ pre~ent;
~ • .
Unapproved ~ainut~s reaci and approqed as read.
The r~garts of xhe C~.tv C1erk and C~.t,y Treasur~r, was read
shoRing a balance of cash ~.n the ~~reasury af $~(10]..84, the repvr~s
were accepted and pa1 ced on f il e.
, The following bi11s wer~ allo~ea and ordered paid.
_.,..~_.....~~._,...r.~...__......,~. p r
No. 21, a. Oliver, wark an t~in~ Wa71, . ~r~~•(1
" 22~ R. C~. ~chilling, ~ork nn rrin~ ~ra~7_, v~Q,Cif~
n n n M v 3t3,()OB . F
?3, B . ~ring, ,
n 24 ~ B , . 6te1val't n n w ~ ~ ;,jt~~QQ
~ 26 ~ 'I' . . ~'~e~`f:X?S011 y n n n n ~ ?~'?rJ,QQ.
" ~R S . C . Schititz ~ ' " n n ~ ~ ? l+~~t]0 ~
' ' n. ~r ~ a ~ ~ ~ p^ ?R„~0
27 ~ . . sw~33 ;
~ " ~E?, John ]~ardin, - - ~ n n ~ ~ _ ~ _ . v' 14.l5~
~ " ~f?,. ~T . w . I?~r~ore, - - - n w " ~ . ~ 1t~.Q0
" 30 ~ H . Z~ . id~.~s ~ . . _ N n w ~ . - , y 22. fDQ
" 31, I'.C.Coai Lt?. - n n n K~.._.._~_ _ ~B~"':~
~'at~a1 b3.~ls, _ ~ • ~
c2~ar~ed tn_ br_ia~e fun .
_ . . ~ . .
i Fra~r~ the Gene ral F1~rt[l ~ _ _ - _ _ _ _ w = . . . .
~ No. 4E35, i:.C.i'.S.CoT'11. IiY~t'~rit~ ~rld i~1.~tlt,s, '*~~O.UO
" 4~8, I'~a. ~elephone Co. Telephane ser4ice, 2~q~
_ _ ,otal b~lls, ~1 .
7.t a?gpeari.n~ that i;he A;as~~n Street Sridg~, has bc~en fini_~hed, •
~and that the san~ acaePtable ta the Hoard oi' Tru~tees, ~nd
on the ~eeanand.ation pf the ~lrchitects, Buroh and $eak, and an
Aiotion ~u1 y~nade .ancl ~~~i.nc~ed, and cerr~.ed,_ the Br3d~e ~ras: accepted
by thevfallow.in~~ v~~~__ Aye~: Trustees, Be~nett, ~tobl~, Cog,
Poole ax~d ~anr-ad. -Iti'c~-~ea.; ~Ion.e, .~~hse~t, Nnr~e.
After a di.s~au~sian of the culvert at Brancsla and 1~h~.teley street,
and on ~?:otion it was ordered that the neeting be ad~ourned to
Fr3da,y Uct . 17th, 19~4, For tl~e f~irther dirscussion af the sub~ea~ *
' y G" ]r' .
At te~t , ~ , ~'rea .
. ~