Minutes 1924-11-03 p ~
' ~C~ ~
. ~
Arrnvo c;ranac, Nov . 3rd, 1~?24. ~
~3oard af ~';rust~es ~e~ far ~h~ purpose of canre~ss~»~ the returns
oP tht Spec~.al I~ond N".lection h~l.d qr. ~etober 27th, ~.~2~.
tira rol l aa11 ; a,11 ~r~~~r~cre af the ~ioard repvrtcd, prcgen~ .
Un :t:otion the Bos~rd ~hen prc~ceecled to can~ass the re~~.~rns of the
the spccia7. el.cct~on held ~,n tt~3s .C~ty on the 27th ciav af Gctc~b~r,
1924, at rvhicY~ there ~va~ sub'~itted the ~ranasit3_on of' incurrin~: a
debt of sa~.d Cit~ an~. bondin~ ~he said City in the sur. of ~~~,,~QO,
far thc purpose of bi~ying and con~tr.uat~.n~ a sewer s,yste~a, and fo~.ind
thc,~~eSUlt to be as fQllOws:
'~'c~ta1 ~rius~ber of vot~rs Pot~n~ s~t sa~.d ~1ec~~on,-___W_.._~ ~A4,
Bondin~ for sCw+~~ s,y~te~ta~ "~res" ~13~
~ Band~ng for ~erver s,ystr,r~, "no"-~-~____~__________________~ ~q1 ~
I'tae Pto~?rd found and declared the said ~rnpasaitian had a~rr~ed,
having r~ccived ~rore ~,han tNO~thirds of ~}?e votes cast at sttah •
~lectian. And Qn i~~o~;3on it .rvas c~rdereii that thc canv~,ss ,of the
~ r~turns cf said election ~ncl thc findin~s vf s~~.d ~;oard, be cnt-
cred an thr. ~inutes sa.3.d ~pard»
ki~SGLUTIGN No.1-~~~, a r~aol~2t~an ~r?tit]ec~, F`.E:~UI~UT~C`r! ~~rtd.ing
and c~eclar~.n~ that tric ~ropa~itian of inclirr3n , laonc~ed ~.~~t,..
and ~r¦At of bond3.n~ ttae ~ity pf' Arroyo Crrande i~i ~~h~ sun o ~;:~v,OpCl
for the purpose af buyin~ and canstructing a s~~rcr sv~stCn sub~itted
tv the qualifierl voters of sa~.d C~ty ~n qato~er 27th, 1f~24,received
the votc of ~r~o-~thirds of_ all. thc voters 'nt~.ng at such elect~on
and aarritd". ~'as intraduced, Adopted and pa~sed on rnotion of Trustee
K' .~i . Conrs~d, and sec~nded hy C. Nable, b,y the fa1l~~vin~ 'vote t
A,yes, ~rustee~, B~nnett, Nablt, Cox, Yaal~ and Conrad,
Nacs, Trus~ees, ;van~,
~bscnt, `~rustecs, None.
Nc. Furtl~er bu~3n~ss ~,p~?~:~rir.~, tl~~e rect~n~ was ad~ourned. ~
~ ~i~
Cit.Y Cl~rk~
AttCSt, ~ , I'~~s~dcnt , ~