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Minutes 1924-11-19
~o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Arrn~o Crznc~e~., :~~,v'G~ricr l~~~h, 1!~?~. Eo:~rcl of Triastee~ net in re~ular sess~nn Rith ~'res3dent; - F. 1:. ~enn~tt, in 1;~c ahs~ir. ~ Un rall ca.ll y~'T'US~!!G~~ BCnnett, Nnble, Gnx, ~aonlc a~nd Conra,d, re~~orted, ~rescrt, l~nnc a.r,sent. Un~,~prov'ec] ~•~,nutes read and a~~~?rovcd a,s read. ~1 co~run~cation fro~ y,r. Ga.tes of Sznts~ TM~a,riA, in re€a~rd to cor.cretc ~~pc, r~a~d ~.ncl p].accd on #'ile. ~ ~ 7.'hc f~llakin~~ ~il ls a,~ainst the ~3rid~e Fund, ~+xs s~l.lo~vcd , and arderccl ~raid . ~ ~ No. 4R, A. G. Ca~nerc~.al Ca. Cr.~rrnt rtc; ~?~r.qc~ I ~4~, l'a,c~fi c~ Coa~st Coal Ca . C~~ent, nc? ~,~0 f ;aC?,~ . Jok~xt I3t,~tPil.~.n, H~t111~~;, ..____r.w~__~.._______ (ift.2li t~1,- II. ~'a.rncr, ~erk on ctilv~rt, -----_--w__----- 1~3.~(? ~,z,- a~~~.r~~, ~ ~ „ M , . 2~,na ,53 c~i . C~:- 4~Itu1t~ ~ n n n 27.~'iG' .Fi4 --I"_:_~to~~s, n n a ~ 1.26 ::~~t, -1`~-;- Ln~ijsh, - n _ n n ~ 4~~~~j tSIF~ -~~-fi:~~~C~?~.13.f]IC1g~t " n ~ ,~:~.;2F ! ~7, fi'~3vzr;. . e~ ~ 43,^"4 ~ -i~, °I~-,-~",- it~~~,rt-,-'~__. n r .~..~.~_..w~....~.~_~. k'i~Z,~(5 , ~,n, ;yG . Ada~n~, I~lacks~+~th work, ~q~;7~ RQ, ~'roetcr-a,nd--~~e~horn, I~~a~!her and ~ra,vcl.,___~_. ~O.f~O " , f?1, -I~ ~ "~~tt; ~Co7rtsrct~ ~:ix~r, on c~alvert,-------_ P~4.7~i . . . Tat~l :~r±cunt o s, -~.__ww4~.. . , . , _ _ _ ~ _ . . , ResoTutiot'~ No, 1-~', -ri~'~~so~it~on crer~tin~ a hondcd inc~ebtcdnCss in ~}~c su~+ of-~;3~;~( (~,('G ~ro'~idin~ f.'nr th~ ~ssuanct ~nd s~l~ r~f - bonds, ~a~,na,~es~Gnt af' th~ Aunu~s, and ~*aL~n~ a. ;rrorj4~nn for ~tss~ss-~ ~ in~, lev,q~n~ r~nd cnllcctin~ ta~xes fnr th~ r~ca~.~rt~_nn c~~' suCh - bonds a,nc~ the~r inttrest aoupor~s ~ "Wa~s res~d ~,nc~ on I~iption wa~5 passed h,y ~~~e ~~nlro~ix~~ . yote ~ A,ycs, Trustecs ; Bennett, ~obl e, . Cox; Yoole a,nd-~anra~d, Noes, 7'rustees, Non~, Abscn~, "PrustCes, None ~ r . . _ Thc C~ tY i:lerk ~ra,s instrnetr.d ~-to r~rit~ to ~:ae ; u~cr~ntend~!rrt - ~f the Y. -C. Rr~il.~~~ ~;a, ..fn re~a~rd to the d:~ng~raus contlit~c~n - of tr~ ~u~xth ~i`rt~C-x~~:1.1 -of' thc -Ra~ilroa,d rrid.~e. ~ . 1~o f urthcr -busin~~s r~~pe~;rfrr~; thc ~reetir?~ ~ra,s a;d~oezr~ed ~ . . ~ - ----4^ _ _ . ~~r - . C tv C , /~Yt G CS~'i ~ - .~~~I ~ x':"C81~~Ttt, . , - . , ~ ' 'i ~ _ _ . . _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ .~_y,~.., _ ~