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Minutes 1924-12-03
91 l~rro~tro Gr~ncle, ITcc~~r~cr 3rd, 1~124. ; I`o~.rc~ of Trii~t~c~ ~ne~t i.n rc,~;t.l~r seg~ion wa~tli I're~sicl~nt T. L. henr.ett, ir tlie Cl~a~..r . . (in. ro~. ) ra,7.] , .~I ~ ~~~x,~hers c+f tlic ~~~a,rd. rtpc~rtcd, ~r~^s~nt . 1'1:~ rea,cl3n~ nf th~ una~ prn~ cd x•3nutcs twa.s ~aid ovcr to th~ ra~z:t rc~e~tin~. ~l'he ~'ollowin~; ~ill~ a~;a~.rst th~ Brici~,c funcL, a~T~d [xr_r_~r~?.1 f'tind, w rrc a.l l owcd a,nd order~~l rai d, brid~e ~'u~a: l~o . ~g~xxt~laxxS~cxat~~a~xR~[~3~tR~t~x~~c~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~xxx Mo. f~2, Ii. f7. ~>crillin~, ``or~: ~~n ct.~lvcrt, -----__..__~_w V;y ri f'~3 ~ I~ . I'7?~'l ~..~1~ ~ H n n .i ~hr7 " C~~l, l ructur 8~ t;~ c~;horn, 1~~ti-n:cni; ar. brick~c, 1^~;~.~~; rr ~.r n n I .yy.~"~n~, ~T1 I'U~.~ (3T; ~?'1C~~:G f ~ ~;:r.L{nt a1low~d on bri.d,~c~ fund, "5117.~~t~ - ~~n~rs~l Fund;-- T~a. ~(.?4, ,~lbe~rt ulaLv~r, ~trcct Kork, " ,a[f,~, ~tews~r~, "a,la.r;y ~nd posta.~e, w_~.......__--- ~(~~.C~Q " ~'a()F ~ T~i .l;.i~ ~4 ~Corp. Ifyclrants and A:e~tr rea,di.n{~, 1f'.(?() " ~0'7, ~ac-ith, Yr~r~t~.r.r, G7,q~ " r~C~?, ~a~rt~ ~~a,ri~. Gs~~, Ca. Street li~hts,--w------- 77.f?(f " ~A~, ~'ac. lel.e~zhonc~ Go. 7'cl. ~~CI'Q~.CC~ " ~lt~, t' . i :.tc~cn~.cn, •"cr1: o~ str~ets, " ~i:1.1, 4;autherr i'~c ?.!~llirr!'~ (;o, T~i.i~brr f'r r~?~~i.rl~e,~ ~'f'.1f' " C~~, ~ ~'teven~or,;:t.reet wcrk, „ ~ ~ T t ~ '1 ~ :~_x c.,r,t aJ 1 r~~;~~ii c.r Gt:r. . I~~nci, r. . . A / t-T? , Ct,7(ey, :o_i: S,-r,,~' {::'Ci,:. ~,i~..~, i,~ l.~Pp'<: l"( C,: r~' ~;'(?':"~'i;~(.',,.~~E~f,~ ..l ...~.rr . ~ ~ a:.,.~r.r. v: . "?C''..:1~ . ia 4i'i~ f'• i~- ~ , . 3~r, ,1_ H;z~l at tt.~ ne*~.t ~rsr~t~n*: to ciiscuss thc qi_~~stir,n ~of' ri~ht--~~~--~ra~V for scwer throu~h t~ar.i.r propcrty. tyn `w;otion ~.t ~r:~s nrdcred tl~a~t thc ~?rinting c~t' the bonds l~e ~~.ven to ~he ~+~3r~n of tl. Ca~rl.~sle~ R~ ~~o. ;~nd tt~e Clerl~ ~ra,s instructed to natif,y attorney ~h~psey ta tha,t effect ~ x o ftt~tt~Gr t~~zsinr.ss a~i~c~,rin~ the ~nect~.n~ r~a,s a,cl journcd ~ . . S t E t' ~ r+. , (.~~*ro' ~"'il c*"t'_ ~ " B~',L~s ~r? r~u*.,~, ~ . . I1~n~~~;v Clerk~ s~tt~st, ~>r~~~drnt ~ ~ 1 i ~ j