Minutes 1924-12-17 . . r . , , . ~ ~ . - . Arro,ya Grsnde, De~~~ber 17'th, ].924. ~ Roard of Trustees ~+e~ in re~gulwr ses~ion with Pres~~.dent F. E. S~nne~t in thc ahair . Un ra7.1 asll, Trus~e~g, B~nn~tt, N.abl~, Yoole and Conrad, r~ported pres~nt, Trus~~c Coac, sbsent. Unappro~?~d einutes r~ad and apprvr?ed as read. , R~pontr~ or C~.t,v C1~rk and Treseurer, r~td r~bn~in~ a ea~tr ' balanoe in th~ Treasury af $317R.E39, tt~e reporte rr~r~ at~ce~l~~d and pliCed on fila. ' - Un ~iotion it waa ord~red I~ha~ we adteri~i~~ Por ~the sa~e' of the Sewer bo~ds, and follorrinR noiic~ •oP asle ww~ re~ and pa~~ed and ord~red ~prinlred. ~ ~ ~ NUT~CE QT SAL~ UF TH~RTY ~100U.00 CTTY f1F ARRUYO GRAIKDE SEN'~t SE"I~ER BONDE ~824. - ~ . The Ba=rd oP Truetcecs of the City of Arroyb Grand~, G~?unicy of Ssn ~Lni~ Ubi~po, Stste of CalifQr~i~, her~by inrf~e~a s~sled propo«~ ~sa1u ar ~bid~ 1'or th~ pu~c~ha~e at' t~h~ th~r~y ~10U0.00 S~rer bond~ 1A24,~atdr~n~ ser~s~l~ fro~ vne ~Oo thir~y y~aras r~~~e~ti~el.y ~ fro~ Deae'rrber 31s~, ~.9~~~ . . . . ~heae ~+onds will -bi dal~ed ~o~rrer 32~t, 1924; rill be~tP ~n#~r~st . at ~the rate ~f fi~e (g~~ 'pcr ~nnu~ pa~rib~e se~i-snnu~rl.~.y o~ Jun~ 30~ih, and Decse~~er ~1s~ . Fr~~aipwl and in~~re~~ pay~ble ~11~ Un~.te~d . ~ &tat~s Gold Coin. ~ ~ ' Gerf it'iad. ~he~k fro' ~ rel iabl e bsnk af ~ ti~e ( 6~?~ per ~~'~t of the auot~nt oP - fihe bid, ' psysb~ e ta ~he Tr~w~curer oF ~tL~ Cits af Arro~o Grsnde, Ca].iPor~n~~, wu~t sccvspsny each bid~ ' Csr~3!'~:ad cn~ak wi.ll ba f~r!'~ifi,~d i`P ~uc~r~c~r~'nl bidd~er fRil* k ~o depaait purchs~e pria~ and take bo~~ ~rilh~n fiPteen~(16f ~ da~s after ~ward. ~ G: • . 'P Hide ~eu~t b~ i.ndor~ed ~~opoesl~ for ,pur~aha~~ of ~ewar >~+~fl~r" . and atldreas~d ta bhe und~~er~~;Fnr~d at Arro~o (~rsnde, Cslifox~niit;, ~ ~uah b3d~ ~ril1 b+ rec~ite~ b~ tri~ ~nd~rsi6ned ~?t t~is afti'o• ~.n :~b!~ ~~~a H~?11 at Aroya Grs~~, Calif orx~i~, up to ~?t~d ina3.~i~~ #~dn~sda~? , January 21 at , l~b , sti 8 0' o~. o~i~ F.1~ . of saifl dsg,, t?i ~ •hiab hvur sll bigs reae3~~d will b~ lpfnrd and aonsid~redy ~ Th• ~~rard of Trual~~es r~serT~s th~ ri~ht to re j ea? any s~d ~,11 bibs . . ~ ' B, orQer of ti?f• Bosrd of 'TRu~r~te~s . E Dat~d IA~os~~rb~r 17th, 19l~. ~ . . ~ ~r . ~ ~ ~ Th~ Cit~ itl~rk was instrna*ed ~o •n~r~e6~ t~af ~~t~?"ia~~ of M~r.~ah~rati, ( to s~rrrey tad ~~t 6raQe staltrs on Cr~ ~i~~wre1,, arid al~o t?un ~th' ~ lin~s o~' Hu'b~ner Lane, and ~es0 s~altes ~or sr~~. ' I lfo fur~~ir 1~ua~ni8$ spp~~rin6 td• ¦~.tin6 esas s~ourn~d. r . ~ C t?7 C r ~ ~ ?t?i~tA~ ~ , P!'~s~d11~1~ . i