Minutes 1925-01-07 r.~. ~ Arrayo Grande, Ca1 ~.P . Janus~r~ 7th, 192b. Bo~rd af Trus~te~s ~et in re~ular se~ssian wi.th Pre~iflent, F. E. B~nnett ~.n the ahair . On roll c~ll Truste~~s, Bernstt, Nuble, Cox a.nd Yao~e, r~portad pr~sent, Truet~e Conrad, aba~nt, Unsppro~ed ~einutea res~d ~nd xpprared a+~ resd. Reparta of Uf~`ic~ra~, the repart of th~ City Clerk, Cit~ hecorder and C~.t~ Tres~urtr, wa~ read ~how~.na a bsl;nae of assh in th• Tr~a~urJ a~ $4S~]..68, the reparta eer~ accepted and pla~ced on fil•. A p~titian ~i~gned b, F. Hopkins, M. Ch~pek, and other~, for th~ widenin6 of Huebner Lane, wae presentad, and r~ad, and s~'t~r sotic discuesian th~e petition ~sa l~id o~~r to evti~ ~'uture ~eetin~~______.__~- . The follo~rin~ b311s w~re a~l.bowed ~,nd ordered pxid. No . ~14, M.C .Y.S .Corp. Far Hpdr~nt~, ~ster eta; ~ $(i~.2b " 816, R. R. Ke~chu~, ~Stre~t work, , g.(ig . " 518~ Ys~cific T~l~phon~ Co. T~l~phone ser~ice, 3.36 " b17, ~i. 0. bch~lli.n6, Streeet wark, 4f~.28 " 518, Sants Maris G~ss Co. Str~st ~.i6hts, 77.R7 " 61P, A. Uli+rer, Streot work, $.p0 , " 520, 0. Prue~s~, UPf~ce ~uppliea, 1.bU " 5~1, S. F. Strwsrt, Salary, ~tc; ~,U2.80 822, El.lia Coall, Bu~ldin~ f~naea, -~-~-_.._..~._..~w.-..~.~ 13.b0 ' " 823, A. H. Ga~urone, Recorders fe~s, --__~rt_...,_.. ~.~0 b24, H. o. fite~~nson, Str~et. work, 23.00 " 826, Y. C. Coal. Co. Lu~ber far fenee~, 36.~b . Tota,l bil.l~, ~ a Un Motinn it was ord~red ta plxce s Li~ht on th~ South end of the ]~ssan Straet brid~e. Ho furth~r business appexrin~ the ¦eetin~ wsa ad~vurned. m ~ Cit~ C ~rk. Atta~t, , Prr~sidEnt. i ~ . ~ i . , i ; ; i i ; q ~ ~ 9 , a ,