Minutes 1925-01-21
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I?rro~o Grax?de, Januar~ 21st, 1926.
$owrd of Trustee~ ~et in re~ular ~e~~f.on with Presid~~t
F. E. Bennet t, in the cshair .
On Roll esll , A1 ~etibers flf the Bos~rd reported, prosen~ .
Un:ppr0~ed ~inuter~ rea~d ~nd nppro~ed ss re~?ci.
Co~nnxn~awtians read ~~d placed on fi~.~.
The co~itte~ on surrreTi~~ Crmun -Streat repor~ed th~
~ prel3~inarT ~rork to be done. .
~ The foll,orrin6 bill.e we~re ~llowed snd ordersd paid,
Xo. 62~, Countr 'Supex~'i~or, 4ttx, Di~t . Dirt in 1~hitele~ f;kl~. ,~330.0~ ~
" b27, T. J. Bte~enson, Str~e~ iork, , 3.~p
" 628, Jo'hn Sardin, 8t~~at ~orY, --~-__--~_.~.~w..~~~.._~.._~...,..~ 34,?6
Tota~tl:' bills, , ~ r
Vpen~`nE o~ `~he bid~ for ~the #30~000,00 Bewacr ~bonds, ~ up
;`L: ~t this ~~t~i~,- i~°rn~ ~e~ `B~d af the Ban~ of Arro~o Grr~~ bei~ i
( ~ he on 1~`; pr~~en t~ d, s r~
1 t h
e b i d ~
b+~ in~ for par a
d ~a+~aras
1, int~erest`~ ~ aarr+~ ~r~g ~?acepted a~ ~iot3on, , . ~ ,
. _ ~ _ _ . •
Un Kati~ tt ~rr'~r '~de~[ ~s~ the Ci~, ~r~ner the aont~ct witt~
the Cau~ #n ~~rret ~o Co~nt~ Se~ ~h unit . . .
Dn Yo~.i~o~ arder~ th~~ bid~r be a~~er~ieed for ~~.~e ~he ~
~tter ot- c~t#.iyn~- ~o~rn- t2re Crarn ~tr~et hill, dir.t to be: ~rwrt~ '
in xfie ll~i~~ ~t~re~t ~~l~t . . .
Ao f~~ 'h~i~s~ ~ea~ri.~`. the ~eetin~ wse~ ad~ourne~~.
. ~T . ~.,t~
Atte~t ~ a * 'Pres~dsnt .
'E • .
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