Minutes 1925-04-01 . '
Arroyo Gr~ndt, Califorrx~ia~ " ~
spril 1~t, 1925. ,
Boa~rd of Tru~tees ~et ~.n re~lar se~s~an with pr~~soident
F. E. Bennett in the chsi.r .
On roll aall, Tru~tee~ Bennett, Noble Coz and Poo1e
reported, prese~t, Truate~ Conrad, absen~.
, Un~?ppro~ed ein~ttcs read and approTed a~ res~d.
Report$ of' ~%ity Clerk and Treasurer, read shoR~II~ a bal~nce
ast+~h in ~he Trea$ury of $276~.0~, the reports were acoepted snd
p~. aced on f 1~ e.
The following billa rere allo~ed and ordered ps~id.
I4o . 858, T.J .Ste~ensan, Aork an oul~ert, ~10.b0
" 55B, Yac. Telephone Co. Telephone ser~iae, ~.90 .
" ~:S7, M.C.P.S.Corp. F~re Hydrs~nt~s, 10~.00
" Sb8, County of San Lu~s Qbi~pa, He~lth uni.t,------- 2t~.Qp
" bb9, T. G. Ads~~, Blaaks~mi~h ~?ork, --_rt__..____ 8.~0
" l~80 , B. F. Stesart, Salary ~?nd ezpenscs,---------- 103.30 F
" SE~1, A. Carlisle & Co. Supplies f'or Off~ce, i4]..01 s
" fi82, Y. C. Coal Co. Cesent, -_..~_..~..w~.________..___ g,7p
" ~83, Sgnt~ ~aria Gas Co . Street Li~hts, 78.6t5
" 664, F. 11. Jones, Gr~ding Cro~n 8treet, 244,SU
" g8lS, H. U. Ste~cnson, Street` ~ot-k, 22,OU
" 6RA, R.U. Sahillin~, ~t~.e~.et ~r~rk, - 34.00 I
En~ineer~ Surch and Bcok pre~ented plans for the distribution a
aP City Sewa~e, ~nd s~e ~r~s takeo under ad~i~?erent .
No further bus~ne~os s?ppe~ring, the ~eet~.r~ was sajournea. ~
~ .T...v / ;
~ ~
C yCer,
Atte~t., . , President .