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Minutes 1925-05-06
_ _ . . . _ . ~ a ~ ~ ~ I~: ~ ~3.~.~~,~~ - . ~ ~rra,o Grande, Ca1.May 8th, 192g. ~ ~ Bnard af Trustee~ ~et ~n re~u~~r ~tession with Presi~n~@ ~ F. E. B~~et~ , in ~he ahair ~ f V' 4. On rall aall, Truste~~, Ben~ett, Noble, Coz, Pota1G, ~nd ~ Qor~rad, report~d , pre~rent, None aba~nt. ? ~ ; IInappro~ed ¦inutes read and approrred read. F 1~~ ~ Co~~ticationa, read and plaa~i~~~:e. ~ ~ T~e Ce~it~ee an ri~bt-of-wny,,~?ro~ress, s~d ~h~?t Gri~b Bro~ . trad ~ad~ 4n of~er far ri~ht-vf-+ray throu~n th~~r p~opert~, for the swr of ~2SO.OC~~ . And for the ri~ht~e~f-way tMrou~h the ~ Conrad Grieb property, ~100.00 ~ra~~ sscked. , It was Ma~ed and Seavnded that the City aaoept the ~tf'er of ~ 6rieb Bros, stnd Co~rad Grieb, the Mvt~on w4s ~Rnr.ried:,~', r On 1fvt~~.on it was orc~cred th~t ` the City Clerk draw wsrX~nt~ • ~ in fwTOt o!` t~~ieb BrvQ, ~'ar ~2lS~.~O, s~l~e~ Canrad Br3eb, far ~~DO.C~O ; to oorrer aos~ts for ri~ht-ot"~way~ ~`tie~'tt~~b~riA~r'b~~~~i ~~~t::;~13c;~ed~,mart~t~4#~~rCd:°:p~tl.di~.; ! 1~0. SRB, R. En~lieh~ S~reet wnrk, ~ 4.4i1 ' " 687, fl. 0. Ste7e~son, " " ~ ~__..__w..__.._____~._.._ ~+p,~1 ~ _ ~ " 888~ C. Baldwin, « « ~ ......___~,~___.._..w..__~_ • 12.~6 . . ~ " b69i B. F. Stewart,Pr~ti~?"o~t ~eeaP~ve~-______,.,.~. 67.~~ " 870, T . J . Ste~en~vn, " « , .:.~_~._.....~~.w_~...~~...__w~. 3~ . " 6"!1, Cou~nty oP ~sn Lu~.r~ Ubi~spo~ Heal~h uni~, ~~i:t~0 - " 67'2, B. F. Stew~?rti, S~?la.ry etc; ~,~.~t! " 673~ Lleyd Tux•ner, Str~et ~arl~, w_-_.:~_.~_r_...~.~~._.._ ~.60 " 874, C. T. 1Pe11e,~ " " ~ ~;~p?~6~ " 876, Psa. 1'elQphone Co, T~~epha~e ser+riae, '~~.86 " 8?R~ !1. T. 1Fhit].oeh, UfPid~ ~upplie~y ~..36 ~ ~ , r ;...._~..w_____ " R7'~', Bara~llo~ de l~inr an Gaa v~l ~ etc 19,4Ci " b78,~ R. 0. ~chi~.I,3,~rg, ~~reet ~or~, B~.QU " 679, 1Y . B. l~urr~?y, Ti~b~rin~ cul~ert, _~---~--_w_.~ 3.~~ " 680, Sants? Maria 6a+~, Cv. S~re~t ~.i~htai ~~.^7 " 881, P.C.Co~I Co. ~S~#3~ 4 pQ~ts, s, x.gD " b8$, Borid R~d. Tnt, Pund, ~~21, ~tr~et a~s$, onRL~~,~ 40.07' " " 683, 1?.H.~~ith, ~'rintin~; taz r~atic~, ~.g~ " dii4, F. w. Jvnas, Gradin~ CroRn Street, 1~~.~Q " 686, ~t.C.P.S. Co~p. FiTt Hydrsn~~, etaf ~ . ~ /l~q.o ~'urther busine~ss ~.ppe~?r~.ni ~he ~ws+etin; ws$ ad~a~r~ned. % . , , ~ Att~st, , ~ rea .