Minutes 1925-05-20 ~ ~ ; Arroso Grande, Atay 20th, 1'~28. ~ Ba~rd of Trustees ~+et in re~uls~r scssion ~vith Trustee C. Nnble in the chair. ~ On roll call , Trustees, C.~ .No'hle, ~i «E .Coz, 11.C .Poole s~nd W.s.Co~rs~d, reparted pr~sent, Pre~ident F.E.Benn~tt," Abgent. Unapprov~d r~~.nutes rea~d and ~ppro~ed as read. A com~nun~aat3on fro~a 1~.A.SeTe~.r, read and placed an f31e. A bill Pro~r+ F.1V..Tones for $316.20, for bals~nce on gradin~; Crawn Str~et, ~as passcd and ardered paid. Hawkins s~nd htiller was gr~nted pcr~ission to put aut ~ ~ no parkin~ siEn in frnnt of their Store. Canp~.a~i~ht ha~~~ng been ~nadc that 'the side~rs~lk ~[n front of the II~i~co Pillin$ Sta~tion was being blocked by 1~tto~obilcs~ the _City/~a~r~hal wws instructed to notify h+r. Briaco to keep thc a~.rs off. the sidew~lk ~,s ~uah as passibl e. No f'urthe_r bueinesrs appea,rina, the ~eetin~ was ad~ourned. ' . - _ A ' . _ . _ ' t,y C er ; ~ Atteat, Pres. ; ~ i : . .M~