Minutes 1925-06-17 ~ 1 Arroyo Grande, ~s~19.forn~~, " ~ ~ _ June 1"Ith, 1926. ~ ~ a ; So~rd of Trustees ¦et in regular se~~ion with y ~ ~ Yres~.dcnt, F. E. Bennett, in the eha~r. . ~ a Un ro11 eall, Tru~tces, Benne~t, Nob1e, Cox ~.nd " 'i roo7.e, reported, presen~, Conrad, Abgent. ? ~ Unappro~ed ~i.nutes read and appro~ed ag read. ? a Co~un~-c~tiv~re~a?d and plaaed on file. ~ - . a _ i D. l~RUl~bury a,nd others presen~ed a petition ? ; ur~ing ~hst ~h~ Bo~s and ottacr peraons, be ~tapped froM N ~wim~in~ in the 4reek, the M~?rehs~l •as ~nstruated tv put up " no ;switonin~ si~n~, and to t~ke ~teps ta harre ~a~e ~ ; - ; stopped. - - ~ Un Matian it waa vrdered to pay ~s?viel the su~ of $78.00 ~ , for r3~;ht of wAy for l~ewer, a.1;~4 P. ~oi~ns~rd w~s rrvted the ; i s~u~ af ~7b.00 for r~.~ht of way. ? g , C~ty Mar~hs~l in~tructCd to take steps to stop ad~erti~er~ ~ . ~ thr~win~ pap~rs ~rvund the S~reets. ~ C~.ty Cl ~rk instruated to order two barrel ~ of aisph~ol t, ~ No further business appe4rin~ the ~eet~.n6 wa~ sd'our~.~d. ~ , " C y C er . ~ i Atte~t, _ ~ , Pres~.dent. a , ~ ~ ~ ~ . j d ~ 1