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Minutes 1925-07-01
' . C:;~ . ~ Arroyo Grsnde, ~alifornia, ' ~ Ju1y 1st, 1926. Board of Trust~e~ s~et ;Ln re~ul~r se~sion w3th Pre~ident F. E. Bennttt, ~n the ~ha~r. , On roll ca11, TrusteC~ Bennett, Coa and Poole, rep[~rted presetyit, Tru~tee~, Noble ~,nd .Co~rad, ab$e»t , . Unsppr~~td ~inutes re~d and appror~d ~,s read. Ci~~ Clerl~ ~nd Trea~urer rendePCd repvrt~., eh~n~ 4 e~r~ah . baianae in the Tressur~ af' ~20iS0.74, the reports ~ere aaeeptEd and plaaed ~n fila. The followinE bi11~ were allvwed snd ordered pnid. l~o . 599, H.U .~te~en~on, Street sork, ~ 31.~7 8~0, T.J.~terrenson, g~rrin~ ~treet~, #.37 ~01, Surah s?nd Beok, 6ur~eyin~ for ~id~walks,-- 4~.47 802, Ra~?aa~icl Ste~en~fln,Tarr~n~ Streets, 4.3?' ~ . f303, Count' of 8an L~a~.a Obia~po, ~~~1th con~ract, 2b.4t1 604, S. F. Stewart, Salary and p~~tase, 1~?~~.'~t~ ROb, lf~a Mitte~ber~, ~treet work, 7.~a 608, St~~e Co~p. Tn~ . Fvnd, emplayes i.r~~uirsn~e-- 52.~~ ~'~~`~~~~~0~8~~ltndB~reet li;htims, ~1~.7'3 cssh ad~a~ae~l,------- 36~,~0 " (~09. M.C .P.S .Corp . F~rc Hydrants, c` c; 1d.Q~ Tota.l bill~, No fur~her bu~s~ness a~ppe~,raLn~, the ~~etin~ was adjourned. . Ct~C~r, ~tte~t, , Yresldent. . r' ,