Minutes 1925-08-05 ~ ( ~ ~ Arroyo Grande, Cs~~.ifora~.a, August gth~ 1928. ~ . ~ , Baard of Trustees ¦e~ 3.n regular session w3th President . ~ F. E. Bennett, in the ahair. , ~ , . Un rol]. cai1, Trus~tees Bennett, Coz, Poole ~nd Canr~d, ~ reported, present, Trus~tcc Nable, absent. ~ i ~ Unapprovcd n~inute~ read ~nd a,pprovcd as res~d. ; , Co~munf c-tions rez~d 4nd pl s~ccd on fi.l e. i Reports nf Cit,y Clerk and Cit~? T e~~surcr, res~d show:tnp~ ~ ; bala~nc~ of aash in the Treasury of ~1078.81, the rcport:s ? wcrc ~ccepted and pl aced on f31 e. ' ~ , Th~ fvllowing billa were read and ordered paid. ' N~~. ~~p;. i~. (.l. Schilling, 5trect wor~, ~~U".86 i " Bx~ ~ Caunty af 8s~n Luis Ubispo, Hea~.th unit, ~~.00 , " ~t2, Hcrs~ld~lt~aorder, Printina, 23.98 ~ " 613, F. W. Jones, Strcet work, ~.Op " f414, Wm. ~Y3~tenber;, Strcet work, 1.7b " ~ilg, Santa Ma,ria Gas, Co. Street liSht~, 78,65 " 618, Yr~c. '~'elephonc Co. ~'ele~hone acr~iae, ~.7g " 817, " " " " ~ 3.10 " 81~, Stands~rd Oil Co. 2 Bb1s, asphs~lt, 14.7E~, " 6~.9, Turneys Ele~tric Shop, La~p alobe, " 620, B. F. Stewart, Sala,ry, ~ta; iQl.?A " 821, J.~' . Bs~rdin, Gas and pil 1. °SO ~ R22 H. U. stevenson, Street rrork, - " 623, M.C.P.S.Corp. Firc Hydrs~nts, `11..1~3 " 624, T. J. Stevenson, S~reet work ib.7t5 Tatal Bills, 3 .32 ~ Mo~ion si?de and duly s~eaonded that ad~ertise~ent~ be placed in th~ Hera~.d-Recarder, for bids~ nn the Out-~f a~.1 Sewer Sy~tem, a~1so the Inhaff tank, the ~a~d bids to bc opened on Augu~t, 2~th, ~t ~ Uclock, Y.M. the Mot~an was aarried, a?nd :so ordercd. Therc be~n~ na further busincss to ao~e 'bcfore the Roard the ~+eetin~ was ad~ourncd. , City C trk,. Attest, , rresident. \