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Minutes 1925-08-19
. . . ~ - ~ . ~ ~ ~rroyo Iirande, ~~1 ~f orn~.a Au=u~t l~th~ 1926. Board of Trustees tiet in res~lar ~es~r~.on rri:th Pre~sidert r F. E. Ber~nett, 3n ~he chseir. . ~ - - ~ On rol l as~ll ,,11 Mewberg- of the Bvs~rd repa~tad praee~x . Unappru~ed ~inute$ rQ4d and ~ppro7ed as~ re~?d. . APter a disaussian oP ~treet proble~s, a~d as~ there ~a~ • no busine~r+~ to co~e_ befvre the Ees?rd, anc~. a~ Mot~,.~fl the . seetins ~a~ sdjourned;.~t~" Au~xs~t 2~t~rfi.~ 14~d~, ~t t~, Ualvck. I'.M.t , ~ ?ttest, v~ ~ , Yresident . ty C er . ..__..m._ _ , . 5.. , r • _ ~ , ~ • ~ r . _ _ 1 - _ _ _ - ~rro~ro- G~ande y Ca7. ii"orni~, . . _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - _ _ W.. _ _ , ~,u;ust ~:9th, X92C~. . Baar~ ot'. Trn~t~e~es- set a,e a Boord of' ]~qnai~.~catiun~ ~ rrith Presirkant- i~'.~.8emrett;- ~n- ti~e~ ch~i~; Dn ra11 aall, ~11 a~e~¦b~rs of the Br~ard report~d, pre~a~t. ~~r ~ ~ . . . ~ APter a discu~$3on rtt the 4ssess~d ?sluat3~en, and ~~ac$ed irpro~e~enta, nnd on Mo~i.o~ 3t waa erdered tbet.the ree~3n~ be ad~aurned to 1Yedne~d~ty ni~ht, at 8 Oalack, . , 7 C~" s ?tte~t, , F're~id~int . . , ~ . _ _ __~_.~.W..~.~_. _ _ . . _~y~__ W_-_ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .m _ . _ . _ _ .