Minutes 1925-08-26 ~V.=~ ? . ~ ! Arroyo Grande, Californis, ~ ~ Au~ust 26th, 192FS. , ~ Soard of Trustces met pursuant to ad~ourn~ent, with ' F'resident F" . E. Bennett in the chx~r . ~ , a On roll ca~ll , a~ll wen~ber~ of the Ba~rd reported, prcaent . ' ~ The Yre~ident opened the ~eetin~ under the hewd of Ne~r bus3.- ' ness, ~?nd it appea.ring that this wsts thc ti~e for the openin~ ' nf the bids far the Uutfs~ll ~ewer li.ne, and the I~hoff Tank, - the Yress~,!dent ordered tMe openina af the bids . ~ Thc b~.ds were opened ~nd read by the Cl erk a~s f ol l ow~ ; For the Outfall. Sewer, ~ J. F. S~epard~on, $17,779.00 F. E. Clinch, ~~,g00.U0 , Caspbell Gonstruc~ian Co. ~4,OOO.oo . _ J. Krul~., 19,78~,OQ . Dra~i~~ ian Co. ~,8.,686.U0 ~ , ' Hs~rtle~ Construction Co. FO,f30~.UU ~ ~ . r ~ ~ _ _ . { ~ For the= I~hoff Ta~nk and s~cces~orie~, ; ~ ~ , J. F. Shep~rz~san, ~8,2~5.00 i J. F'-.~ C1~-x~ah,- 1g,Z10.00 Ca~apbe~l Co~istruction Co• 11,4~4G.00 ~ Ni113aw Lane,~ 10,13fl.U0 , H . E 71d~s 1p.,49b.00 . ~ ' Hartlcy Cona~truc~~.on Co, 9,278.00 - ~ W.~d.Ledb-cttar;"" ~-==w-_.~_....___~..__ 13,8.UR.30 _ _ _ _ , . ~ J. F. Shcpardson ha~inE the lawest bid on th~ Tehpff Ts~nk, : ~nd acces~orie~, on Motion it ws?s vrdered thet Mr. l5heps~rd~on ~ bc ~iven the Contrs~~st, ' , J. I+' . Shepards~nn h~~in~; the lowest bid an the Outf~ll Sewer • 13ne, it was ardered that a,ll aheck~ be returned ta All.the `biddere except bir. Sheps~rd~on, ~nd the~ a~~rurdin~ c~f the contrwct be held or?er to the next ~eeting, an ~irednesda.y, ~eptewber ~nd, ].92~, at 8 Uclack P.M. No further bu~ine~s appearing thc ¦eetin was a ourned. ~AtteBt, , Pres. C ty Cl~r , r . - ' • ~ errayo rr~,nde, California, Au~ust 2E~th, 1A2B. ~ Board ot'°°Trustccs? ~et as s~ Board of`A~Equql~zs~tion, pursuaent ~ ta s~d~aurn~llnt, with I'res3,dent F.E.Benaett, in the Ctiair. ~n roll c~ll, Al1 me~bers of the~~Rnard repartcd, prc~ent. ~ ~ Ass there w~~ n~ cl~?i~s to adjust, thc r~ectin~ Nas ~djourned ta S~ptamber 2nd, 1925, a.t 9 Oclack T'.M. , ~ City Clerk. Attest ~ , Pt'Cs .