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Minutes 1925-09-02
~ .~,-w.--_---_. _ . , ~.1~ ~ . . ~ . ~ Arroyo Gra~de , C~?1 iPox-ri~4, ~ . ' ~?epte~bCr 2nd, 18t8. ~ j H~ard af Trnst~~s met in re~ul~r Se~s~on with President, ~ F.~. Hennett in thc cs~a3r . t ~ Un roll. aa11 ~,I1 ~e~abers of ~he Bo~rd reported, pre~e~t . I . ` - Un~?ppro~ed ~inute~ re~?d r~nd ~ppro7ed ~s~ resd, , ~ ~ Cowrunic~~ion~ read ~nd plaaed on fi].e. ~ ~ R~p~rts of Clerk and Trea~ur~r r~ad showing a, as?~h bal~.nae ~ in the•~'r~asury of ~1301.99, the reports~ were acc~pted and I placed on fi1e. ~ ~ ~ ~ The Hond of J. F. Sheps~rdasan fvr the co~+pletian af the I~nhoff tank snd ~cc~e~earies-, ~s ~`il-ec~,- ~nd on l~ietior~ t~te . Bend wa$ sca~pted.. . - - - - . _ - _ _ 'r The Pol.lv~in~ billa wert ~1~.crr~cr~- ~~rdar-~d. ~~d. _ ~ No . R2B, 8riseo Son., GA~I.~e~ ~nd Oil --~~~~s~--- 1. k~28, ~.C .P.~ .~orp.. firt... hydra~ts, a~id wat~r far, apri~~l~.~~ 4 " R~7, Le~gue of C~lif. Munic3ps~litiea, due~, -~--------~g.QO " ~2~, Ra~qt~ond Ste~en~an, Strett wark, ___w 1b.76 " R29, R.O.Schi113n~, ~trc~t work,( ~p.rinkl~n~,)~-~-- 2.~.4~ " 630, H.U.iStcvensan, Buryin~ da~s, ~,00. i " A3I, t4.~I.smi~h,, Printin~, ~3.U0 t " ~3~, T .G .Ads~m~., 1Vo~k on '~s~t~r. .~r~on.,...-.~~ ~ 8.!$6 ' " 833, ~anta~ ~iar~.a~ C~?~ y C~. ~reet 11Eht~ ~ .._...~___-r-_ ~~.R15 ~ " Bank at' .{~rraq~ Gr~~nde.,_ ktcn~_ srf_ Bn~.,,, 9.00 " B~ x T .J .6te~e~~an, t5trs.e.t_ w9rk~_ _ _ _ _ • 7.00 " lt~~, B.F.btewa.~t, ~alar~_ & s~enses,^-~ 1~2.90 " 8~~, County o#` S.L..U He~?l.t,h ~xn3.t~_ 2l~.00 " ~38, P~c. ~elephon~ Co. ~el~phvne scr~ice~ ~2.86 Tot.~?1 bill~, . Re~ro3.rutions, ~Ta~ . 2, 2A, 2b, ~c,~2c~., s~ccept~n` deEd~ f~r tMi~ r3~ht of ww~~? far a 8cw~r linc, w~s appro+red by trie folle~rin~ ?vte, - _ ~ j Ayes, ~'ru~tee~, Bennett, pable, Cv=, Poole and Cor~r~?d.: ~ Roea, Tru~tee~, Pvne, . ~ rbaent , Trn+~tees, None . ` 1~he "e~solutinns +v~re th~n ~i~ned b~? thc President of the Baard ~ ' ~ of Tru~~ees, and wttested by th~ Clerk of' tt~e ~aid City, ~ G. Ther~ br~3n~ no further bu~3~n~s~ss ta aQ~e b~fore h~ ~ the ~~e~.i was ~d~ourned ta ~;r~' ~~;;~t~~~~a,e bid of J.F.Shtpard~n~; Por the'.a4~t+~t~~~n af tiht ~'ertr ~ine . . . . . C 7C~~',,r Atte~t, ~4~' ~Fesident. ~ ~,....___w..~...._w~..~~..~~_r..,.,._..~_.._....,~..~_~_-__ ~~pt~r~ber 2nd, 192~. ~o~rd of Trra~tee~s ~et pur~upnt to ~d~ ~?urna~ant ,~s 4 Br?ard 'bf eq.ual~~~?t3e3~; ~rfth F're~ident F.E'.Bcnaetit, in the oh~tir. . Un r~ll- aa11 ~?T1 ~eabers af the Ba~rd report~d, preae~~. I,a~ ther~ werc no c1s~i~s to be ad~usted, and as the C1et~Y pr~~w r~nted th~ J~s~estient Roll s~~plete, the go~?rd proaee~led to fi'~ the ts= rate f'c~r thc ensuin~ year . The rate was Pized by ~esalution s~~ follows; For the Generr~l fund, ~1,Q0, AN t«e 100 dc?Nlar~ of •aNu~?ti For the Se~rer bond~, ;8~ ~'~r the Bridie b~nds, -___w...._.. :44 " " " " Yalrin~ 4 tota~l , oP No furth~~~ ~ buffiire~s appe4r~n6, tt~~ 'eet~n'~ ~a~s d~u~r~e ,d~. :-J~-~;~~~ • , - ~ (j?c.ca-~ . , ;,u ; ,,e` _.w _..:._W.... _ ,