Minutes 1925-10-07 ,,.r. . _ . . _ _ . . . _ _ , 4 ~ . ~ Arrayo Gr4nde, Ba~.i~' i~s " +C"~- ~ : h~ 1926. ~ • t - . Boar~•-of Truste~s n~et in r~6uls+?r s~es~~ivn wi.th pre~~.dent, F. E. Benrs~t in ~h~ s~a~:~ . . Un r~ll ~all,~?11 ~e~bers di the S~ard rep~rted present. Unoppr~~ed ~inutes, r~ad, and aarre~oted, to re~d, ar~d, ~~n Meti~ , it wx~ ~?rd~red ta hs7e the Q~?~?t ~~?l~e applicatior~ te t~e G~ua~y Bosrd ot' ~ap~rvisors, to harre th~ae parts oP the ~it~ S~reet~, tba~ ~rbr~~se t~?e bt~te H~:shway, turr~ed erer to the St~~~, The City Clerk and City Tre~aurer ~ub~3tt~d reperts, sho~i~a a bal an~s ~f ~ aa~h ir~ th~ Tr~aeury ~f $98b . B9 , the r~port were accepted and-pl~c~d-en-fi~e,°-_~._ . - - The fol~owin~ b~Ti~ ~rere allewed ~d orde~red p41d, . Nr. 140, ~i.C.P.~.Carp". l~~iier etc~, # a1,48 " i~t, Ssraello~ and M~rr~~, Re~air work, etc.-- ~ 8.8~0 w~ , M 142, R. 0. S~h 1111t1~, ~prinkl3~a, 28~`QA " 143, H. U. 8te~enson, Br~d~e we~k, ete; 2~:26 " 14. 4, Pac .'rel ephat~c Co • Tel ephone ~iCI'~~6!! - 3.10 146, Srisao &~an, (ia~ a~nd ~il, T?.41 " 14~ ~ T. G. Sd~~s ~ Blacks~i~th wt~rk, -----w------ 4,46 " 147, Onan & Ralph, G~~ and U11, 2,33 , " 1~8~ A. Carl.i~le C~.L3aesase blanka, 6.1l5 " ~49, ~~ntiQ Disria G~s . Ga, Strcet ~.i~ht~, ?8.85 " RtfO, B. F. Stewart, ~al~ry &~'v$t~?~e, -_-_w__~ 101:90 " 661, C~unty ef ~an Lui.~s Ob~:s~po, ~i+~alth unit,-- 2l~r~U " 662, T. J. ~iteTenesn, Sweep3nS, w_-___~,_...,~..,._ 3.BU " 863, H . S~i~h, Printin~, ~ " 864, 8ert Barker, , Sprinkl~n~ ~d Zi~?ulin ravel 38.60 totsel. bills, --__~_w____ g"~"~j • Th~ Cit~ Clerk •sa all~wed tRO week~ ?aQatien. . ~ ~ ...~.6 ~?o PurthGr bu~inesg ~ppesrin.~ the ~e~tin~ wa~ adjeurr~ed. ~ . C t~' C erlr. Attast, Pre~iden~. ~ ~ . ~ ~ , ~ f ~ j