Minutes 1925-11-04 ~ . , . . . . . . ~ ~=1~6 ~ ~ a ~ , ~ ?rroyo Grande, G~,1lforn~.a, - Noveaber 4th, 1928. Bo~rd of Trustecs ~ct ~n re~ular sesseon wi~h President F. E. Bennetit in thc c~h~ir . On roll as11,a11 membcrs of the Ba~rd reparted, pre~ent. Un~pproved m3nut~s r.ead stnd approved as read. _ Oam~nnuniastio~s read and plzced on file. Repor~s of TrcASUer and Clerk re~d shorring s~ b~.la?nae of c~a~?h in the Treasury af ~L1.0? .~.1, th~e rep.ortg were aacepted s~nd ~1 a,eed on Pile. The follvwin~ bili~ w~r~ ~lowed and ardered pr~id. [3a6, Ss~nt~ bla,ri~ Gas, Co. Str~et lights?, ~78.B~ 8b8, T. J. Ste~enson, Strcet ~ork, --_~__~...__w_~_---.... 11.50 6l57, Midland Count~e~, eta; Ws~ter, ~?nd fire hydra~n~s,-~ 28.~0 , 6~8, Psaifi.a lelephon~ Co. Tel.tphone serviae, 3.3R f~bfl, R. U. Sahillin~, Sprinklin~, ~9.78 860, Brisav and San, Ga~~ e~c,; ~,1~, 8E31, County of 5an Lyis~ ~bi~go, Nealth unit, -~---~--w-~ 2~M(1U 862, B. F. ~tcws~rt, al~rr~r ~tc; --_--________.,~.____..._.._..1~'B.RO 6R3, H. 5tevenson; Strett work, 3~,,b0 Total bi11s, .~1 Warr~nts were drs~wn an the ~e+rer fund, s~ss fol~ows; No . 12, d. F. Shepardson, p~?,yment on T~nhoff t~nk, " 13, Dr~ins~gc consstruat~.an Co. pay~ent on Scrver,-~-- 3213.75 , Tntal a~maunts of p~gnent~, R Na further bu~ine~~ appenri.n~, the meetin~ i4~ ad~ourned, C~J , ~p C Ct' , . ~ Attest, President. , ,r 'i f: ~ ~ C E ~ ~ ~