Minutes 1926-01-06 M . . . . " . . . . . . . . . -.--.T-... . ' ' . , . . . ~ ~ . ; ~`~0 ~ ~ ~ arrayo Qrande, Cal~fornia, ~?a~nus~ry Rth, l~~f~. Bo~rd c?f 'rrust~ts mct ~n regu~ ar ~essian wi.th F'reside~t F. E. Bennett ~n the ctaa?ir. ~ r l,n roll call al]. membtrs af the Bo~?rd reparted, present . Unapproved minutes read and a,ppraved as rG~?d. ~ A cnmmunic~t3on fron C. R. Haffman, ~.sking s~ reducti.on of the rent of thc camp ground, ~a~ read ~nd after a~ discussioM it wa.s dccided that no reduction could be ma,dc at this t~-me~ ~ The Cit,y Clerk ~nd City Trea~surer, rendtrcd reports, showin~ bals~ncc of cash~ ~n the Tre~~ury of $3~3~9.0~, the report~ were zcoeptcd and p~.aced~ c~n file. ' Thc fallow~n~ bi11s were allarred and ordercd p~.id. ~No. R?B Pa~ific Guast Cas~l Ca. Cemen~, $ R.On " R76 Burch ~nd Beck, Surveying 5trcets, ~$~~d " R77 D. Stcw~art; ~trect work, f~,15 " R78 M.C .P.c . Gorporr~tian, Fir~ Hydrants, and Li~ht . 10.00 " F7fl Hawkine & ;~.~.ler, Street supplies, ~.BEM " ~SD 1~e~t Sid~ Gar~~e, ~a,~ s~nd 031, S.~R " F81 Whitliaks Var~.ety° Stare, Uffice supplies, 2.BS " ~ 8~ Santa~ hiaria G~s Co. Strcet Lights, etc; 79.~3 " R83 Y~cific Tlephane Co. Tclephonc scrvice, ~.&B " F84 Alb~rt ~livci~, Strcct wbrk, 1q.Q0 " R8b B. F. St~w~,rt, Sala~r,y and post~ge, ~,~.w___~.._ 10]..46 ' " County af San Lu3s Obispo, nea.lth Unit, ----W--- Z~~i.00 " I~. t). Stevens~n, ~trtet work, --~.•__~..,.._~__~._W___----- ~1.SO " F~88 T. J. 5ttv~~son, Street work, ~.~i0 to ta1 amount o~' bill s, . En ir,eers ~surch ~nd B~ck resented a~ re ort thst the ~ r P P Dr~inage Construct~on Co. had campleted th~ir Contrs?ct to , build an Outf~ll Sewcr :l~,nc, and reca~nerded tha~ the ~a~~e bc k acc~ptcd, ~.1so thc ~ngi~e~rs, Rurch and Beck pre~ented s~ ~ r~part thAt J. F. 5heps~rdson, hs~d f3nished hi.s contraat t1~ construct a,n zmhofP t~n~ and accsssaries, r~nd r~come~ded the s~cceptanac of sa,~e, a~nd on l~iat~.an diYly seaonded s~nd cArried, the ~utfall ~'exer, a~nd I~h~f"f t~nk ws~s s~ccepted. The City Clerk w~a ins~rueted to prvaure prices an ~cc~ond ~ ha~nd caein~, to be used for culvert~ . r Na furthcr business zppear~ng the ~~eting was ~d~ urned. ' Y~ C ty C er . Attest, ~ , Yresid~nt. .___m . _ . _ .._.W__ _ _ _ ,..:~:~:r. . . W:.:::. . . . .