Minutes 1926-04-07 ~L~~ , ; ~ Arro,yo Gra~nde , Gal if orni~, , ~?pr31 7th, ~.~?2R. Board of Tr~istees met in re~ular ae~s3an with Yre~idcnt F, E. Bennett in the ch:~3.r, - Una,pproved ~inutcs res~d ~end a.pprov~d ~s re~d. t~n roll ca11 All ~embers of ~he Boa,rd reportcd, present . Co~unica,tions res~d a,nd placed on file. R~part of Of~icers read showina a ca~sh b~lance i.n thc ± Trea~s~ury of $2822.8~, th~ reports werc acccpted a?nd plACed an file. 7'he Pallo~ving bills were s~llorred ~.~d order~d paid. Na . 717, Ilcrald-~CCCOrdcr for prin~in~ noti.c~ of ~1 ecticrn ~nd 3(1G bzl.lots, ~ ~ ~3.~i6 . " 718, Count,y af S. L. U. HeAlth unit, 20.Q0 " 719, B. F. St~w~,rt, Sala~ry & Yasta~tc, ~ 102.90 " 720, H. U. Stevenson, Street warY, 17.6p " 721, E. D. Stewart, 5trcet wark, 42:U0 " 722, Santa bizria, Gs~s Co. Stre~t Li~hts, , 78.R~5 V~ " 7~~3, Pr~e. Tclcphone Co. Tel. ~ervice, , ~.35 " 724, Brisca & Son, Gas ctc, ____..____.,..___..__w_ ~ 11.~A " 7~G, Carlislc & Co . Q~fice gupplies, , 2~,.34 " 72R, Ai.C.Y.S.Corp, Fire Hydrant~, ~ 1p.00 " 727, M. R. Swa~~.l , Yre~aaLum on band, 10 .00 TotAl billa, __---______~.__~;'~'~"",g~ ~iessra . S~ith, Griffin & wiaan, purchr~sere af thc Conrad , Grieb Ra~nch, ad j oini.n~ th~ 5ewer ~ ar~, ~~dc applicati.an to the Bo~,rd,ta sct off ~0 feet ~lonE the Eagtc~rn border ~d the • Sewcr fsr~ trz~t, to be uscd for one h~lf af ~A Street RO t"eet w~.de, the remaini~E 30 feet, to be d~ns~ted b,y the afvresaid Gentlemen, off thc Co3~rs~d G~r~.eg, trs~at . Un Mot3on duly seconded and cs~rried, .it ws~s so order~d. RESULUTIUN N0.9 ~ ~NE'~'~' SERT~S ~ d RESUULTIUN OF THE BOSRD UF T~UST~~S UF THE CITY UF ARROYO GRANDE GA~ERING THE CUR~TRUCTIUI~ UF SANITARY SE~YERS, was prescnted s~nd read, a,nd a.daptec~ by thc fo~lowin~ rote, 1 Ayes, Trustecs, Benne~t, Noble, Coa, Yoole s~nd Canrs~d, ~ Naes, ~'rustces, Nanc, _ lbsent, Trustees, None. • i The ~ffids?vit vf the Street Superintendent, af postin~ ~ n~t~ccs of improv~ment, w~.s filcd. ~ Natice c±f invi~in~ se~lcd- praposa.l~, or bids, w`a.s res~d ~ ~.nd prd~red posted a~nd printed . A RE~UL~TZ~N , Pr~sented by Hon . John L. D. Roberts, wa~ss ~ ~ rea~d, a,nd pass,ed by the followin~ ~vtc, , Ayes, Trustces, B~nnett, Noble, Cox, Poole a,nd Conrs?d, Naes, '1'ru~t~es, Nond, ~bsent, Trustec~~ None. N~ furthcr business a ppes~rint, the ~eetin~ wss ad~~urned. ~ ~ Cit~ C1erk. dtt~st, ( ~ , Pre~sident. -