Minutes 1926-04-19 . , , ~4O ~ ~ ~ l ~?rr~yv Gr~.nd~, Cali.f orniw, _ , April 19th, 1928. Bvard of Truste~s ~et in re~ular e~ssian, for the purpoa~~ eP ' ~anvassin` ~the r~turn~ nf the Muniaipal electivn held or~ 1~ri1 l~th, 1~28. ' Un r~1X c~~.1, Trusteate~, E~nnett, Coz ~nd Co~rad, r~p~rt~d, pre~e~t Tru~tees~, ~vti1e a,nd Yeale, ~.baent . ~fter c~~4s~~sin= ~h~ re~turne ~f the ssid election the fsll~owit~~ reg~].utis~ w~.~ sdopted ~ ` ~ESULUTIUN_ D]~C~?.AATNG R$~ULT OF EL~CTIOF . 1YHERF~S, s~ ~eneral Muni~i.pal ~lectian w~s held snd ~o~~.u~~ed ix~ the City of ~rrc?yo Grs~do, on ~ionday ti~e 12th, day rf ?pr~.~. y 1928, . a~s requ~:red b~ Zaw . . NAD 1~HER$/?~i, ~t s~ppe~r~ ~h~t n~tiee~ ..~f said ~l~c~i~n. •ae~ ~ul~ ,~d 1~~~lly ~i~e~, th~t ~~t3n preo~inc~t~ w~re ~sts~ is~he~ t t w ~le~tion o~f'icer~ wer~ sp'~~in~~d a~d_~sl~atian supp~~e~ fui~i~ed ' and~that fn_wll reffipeat~ s~t~.d 'eleetion wae~h~ld snd co~dt~l~t~d 4 s~. the ?otsa aa~st the'reat r~~~iTed and c~n~as~ed, and tlte retur~ therree~f ea~~,and_deel4re~. in ti~~ ~'a~e ~nd ~at~n~r ~s required 1~~ ~en~ra~_af _tbe ~ta?tc_~evern~.ns ~le~t~.on~ in ~itiee ~1f t~he . ~ ~'ifth m~r~d ~ti=th_ c~as$ . . . 1I~D ll8~t~?8, the Beard oE _Tr.ust~es of ss~id C3t~ ~~et a~ thM Caur~cil Cha~ber~ ~f _ th~ B.ard~ ~n Ment~ay th~ 19tb d~y oP ~pr~.1 192~, to c~n~~,~s tbd _ returnas of sAid el ~ctiaa and inst~?11 th~ n~w~y eleat~i--efPic~r.~, ss s r~sult ef which tbis,Beard f~ads tiat the nusbcr - of ?ite~ : v~?~t, tH~ r~4~~1~ of the ptrsvn~ ~ 7ated ~ f~r, snd •ther ~rAttera r~quir~d by 1.4w, to be ~s herein ~ftl~r +st~ted, n~+? therefor~ be it,rr~:~:~s:~~-~d . ~ . ~ RLSQLVED, a~ f~llew~; - . F Th~t~~id rr~ul ar Mun~~ipal el e~ti~n w~s held and a~rn~u~~ed .ir~ , the Cit~? •P Arroyo Gr~Rde~ on ~~nds~y the 12th, day c?P April T92B, - ! in ti~e, forw ~,nd ms~nner s~ required ~y laR; ~ ' That the~e w~?s ~n~ vot~~j pr~~in~t ea~twbllshdd l~~+r the purpoas vf holdin~ atid eleatlvn, ~~r~~i~tin~ ef smnsolidsti~n o!; th~ . 4 r~~alor ~lectimn ~reoinst~ e~t4bli~sried t'crr holdin~ a~~er~ l~tate I snd Ceunt~ ele~ti.n~x a~ felio~rs; _ ; , - . , l "Qsne~lid~tetl Yotin; P~ecinat "1" ~aespri~~n~ ~~a~t~ ~nd Cvup~y , . E. Pre~inct~s nu~laer~ On~ and Ts.o; _ . . • - r That the whole ~u~ber vt' ?ete~ ezs~t in e~s~.~l Cit~? ws~ 30, ~ f That the na?~es~ of thc pers~ner veted f~r, ~I~ ofP3~e~ for whf~h tb~y ¦er~ ~oted, the nu~'ber of r'otes ~~Ten in eaah in ~aah ~rr~sin~t t~ ea~~h af said p~r~ons, to~etber with the~ ~h~le nu~ber of ~et~e wh3ch th~y ree~ired in tt?e .ent~re Gi~T, are a~ f~l].ows~ : YUT$fi R~C~~VED C. B. H•ble, Trua~e~ f~r u er~, - - 30 ?otes, ~~1~'f " " ~ N ~ ;{p ~ , . f7~ ~ ~ c;~ . . : . . ?pril 19th~ aontinucd, . Thc Clcrk ~h~ll entcr on the rec~rds of ~he Bo~rd ~ $t~tc~ent of the reault of the elect~~n, sh~~3nt (1) th~ whalc nu~ber ~f the votes csst, in said C~t~, (2) the n~~es aP the persons ~oted for, (3) the office for which ~ach~per~on was voted for, ~nd th~ number of votes ~i~~n ta c~ch of ~uch person~, The Clcrk shall im~ediatcly ~~ke and del~o~r ta e~ch of such elccted a, certif3ca~tc ~f election, s~.~ned b,y hi~ a,nd duly s~uthent3cs~t~d; he sha~ll ~lso ~mpvse the con~ti- i~utiens?1 o~.th c~f off3ce, a,nd h~ve them sub~cribe thcretv, ~!hercupon th~y shs~li bc induct~d into the re~speative offiees ta rvhich they hw~e been ~lect~d. I, th~ undcra~~-~ned, do hereby certif~ tha~t th~ for~tion~ R~s~vlutian wa,s dulv a,nd regulwrly intraduced and ~,d~pted by the Board oP Trus.tee~ of tFie Cit,y of Lrroyo Grs~nde, s~.t ~ . reEuls~r meet~n~ hel.d ?pr~l 19th, 192B, la~? the fa11~?wing vote, ta-wit; J~cs, Trustec$, BcnnEtt, Caa s~nd Conrs~d, Nvcs, 'Truste~~, None, ; ~bs~nt, Trustee~, Noblc ~nd Paole. ~ In te~t~~ony whereof, I~ h~,~e~yhcreunto set my hznd and ~.ffix~d the oPf~ci~l Ses~l of sa~id Gity, tb3. ~~~th, dz~y of ?pril, 1g28. ~ City C1~rk. i ,Jfter the adaptia~ of the fore~vins Ke~vlution the ~ Preeid~nt dec].arcd the folla~r3n~ officer~ eleeted For Trustce t~ae full ter~, C. s. Nebl e and H. E. Coz . ; , ~ As there wa~s no f urthar busine~s~ to Qo~e beforc t R~~rd, + an Motitrn the ~eetinE wws ~,d j~urned . j ; ~ City Cl~rk. ~ ~ L~~'('~/~,, / r . ~ ~ ; _ . . . ~..f.. ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ 'r , Lrro,o Grsnde, C~l~fern3a ~ ~ • Lgril l~th, 1926. B~ard Af Truet~~~ ~~t in epedia~ ~e~ssion with, F. E. B~nnett, in ~h~ c~hr~~,r, ~ D~r • Sena~att, call~d fer r~~~aixaatiena for t~a~porary Cl~air~ar~, and W. Car~rs?d, wsss ~ae~ins~tdd te~per~r, . ch~?ir~an, znd ~a,s el~lcted by ~e~la~~tion, . Ct~a~.r~s~ Conrad, ~tr~ted the Qb~e~t of the ~eeti.r~~ was to alcot s? per~ar~.nr~nt ohairiaan, and t~ tran~~at ~u~h t, " other buei~ess ae~ ,~hs~l prop~r7.y aa~e befare tMe ` ' B ~s?rd . Un •aaour~t ~f the absenc~ of Trua~t~tr~ N~ble and p~~l~, and a~ M~tion of Ben~~tt e~eondad b~ Cox, th~ ~seetins rrns wd~oarned to Ket~nee~d~y, April st, i~ 8 Ocl c~1t, r.M. , ?~t~~t, ? ,Yre~ . . ~ f . ~ . ~ , ~ . . ~ lrrsyQ Gra~de, Csl if ~r~ai~?, ~ ~ ~ ~pril ~.~at, 1928. - B~tnrd af Trusteeu ~et pur~u~~at to ~?d~~urx~~nt, with 1~ C+rtrs?d, t~~p~rary ch~,irwan in the dhair . Un r811. ~a11 ~ Tru$te~e~, Be~nn~tt, Caar, Yo~le and Cos~r~$, rep~rte~, present, Trt~st~e, I~ebl ~ L'baent . Mr. Conrad as~lled f~r n~~ir~wtirrn~ f"~r per~?n~nt C~s~r~nn, and F. l~. Benn~tt, wa~r plaQed in naa~i~~t3.o~, th~re beiri~ but ene nosinee, Mr. Hennett rrne e~l~eeted Presi.de~t of tha Besrd, by acala~Ation. ~ - The fellorv~.n~ e~o~ittee~ rere ~ppsint~d, U~r &3tr~~ts a~nd T~wn land~, Podle~ Nable and Canrad, (?n ~'i~~nee, Coz, Ye~le a~~d Cc+~rad, ~ Un Pvl~ae, Fire a~rd ~sil, P~alei Nmble and Co:. , 4~ tbere wa~o no further bu~inese appe~rir; the meetin~ ~ra+~ ad~ r~urn~d . c~.ty ci~~ . `tt~~t, , pres.