Minutes 1926-01-20 Arro,yo Grxndt, ~a,llfarn3s~, "
Janua,ry wUth, ~~2R.
Baard of Trustee~ met ~.n regu~.a.r sessian
w3th Yresa.dcnt F. E. Bcnnett ~.n the ahair.
Un roll a:~11 zll mcmbcrs of thc I3ns~rd reparted, present.
Una,pprovcd minutes rezd s~nd approved as rea~d.
Cammunic~tions rcwd and p~s?ced on filc ~
Hea,lth Officer, Dr. ~i.Ii.Sutherland, presented ~n
report af the a~nnua~l tork oP the ~#ea,lth unit, a~nd
expl~inect -tio °titie ~o~.rd, srhat ha,d b~en done in the
Cit,y -fri preventing a~nd takin~ c~.re of d~.sca,se,
~n thc mAtter oi" culverts for thc vs~r~ous Strcet
cruss~'ti~s; -tm~ Street comm3ttee wt~s advised to a,scertain
•~ust h~w ~a,ny feet oF p~.pe ~roul.d bc neccssar,y.
• Na fu~ther -b~s~nese ~ppcs~rin~ tlie ~eetin~ was a~cijourned.
_ _ Citv C1erk~
~ttest, , Yresiderit.