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Minutes 1926-02-03
~ . ~~2 _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' . . Arroyo Grsndc, Cali~ox~nia, " " ~ k"ebruar,y 3rd, 1i~~R. Bowrd o8 Trustees met in re$ulur seseion with Pr~sident F. Bennett, in the chair. Un roll c~Il , s~ll ¦cmbcrs of the bo~ird report~d prestnt . - Un~ppro~ed ~inut~+~ read ~nd a,ppr~rved as reo?d. ~ ~ ~epor~a of Clerk s?nd Trea,~urer read' ~hQwing s~ cs~h . balfnoe of $37~~.09, i.n the Trensury, the re~orts were ac~c~ pted and pla?ced on ~ile. The f~rl l owin6 bil l~•ere res~d and ardered paid . No. 689, T. G. Od~ts, Reps~~r toolsr ~ 11.~0 " R~i~, Hs~wkins & M~l.ler, Repa3r~ fur ~rader.,_..~4~--- 2~.0~ " 891, M.C.P.S.~Qrp. F~rc Aydrax~ts, ctc; -~-----~-w 10.00 " 692, F. 1V. Jones~, Street work,. -_---~-_w_..___~_~, 1~.a0 " (t93, Telephone Co. Telephone ~erriae, " ~~4, Gr~~'~R~rton-~~.~m~l Co . Turn buttone, 15.1R " R96, 8~tnts? Mari~ Gas, Co , atre~t Lishts, ~0.?1 « R9A, ,lbert Uli~er, Strcet work, -------W----~-- 1R,00 ~ B97', Cou~ty Ne~lth Unit, Health Officer, ~;~.'~p " 898, T. J. Ste~er~~an, Street 'rcor}~, 1~~.'~6 . " R99, Turney~s El~~~tria Shap, Lo~ht ~lobee, .9a " 700~ B. F. SteMr~tt~t~ $al~l~',y ~nd posta~e, 1~0.$Q " 7'01, Paaific Coast Ca~,1 Ca. LwMber, ~.8°',~i ' " 702, Countv, 4~th, Sup. Di~triet, CuXTert pipe, - 41;04 " 703, H. 0. 5tev'en~on, ~3treet wmrk, ~~,p0 Total ~~unt oP b~ll~, . ~ No further bu~ine~r~ appewrin~, the mcetin~ wa~ ad~aurned. 4 t_ w _ C y ~"erT~ . ~ Jttest, , rre~idcnt. , ~ ~ ~ . 4 ~ • 1