Minutes 1926-02-17 . ~:23 .
ArroYo Gra,nde, Galiforni~., "
Febri~a,r,y 17th, 1A2F.
Boa~rd of' Trustces mct in rc~ula,r se~sion with Yr~z~id~nt
F. E. Bcnnet t in the chair .
On ro11 cs~l~ , a11 ~emrers of the Board reparted, pres~~nt .
Uns~ppr~~ed m3.nutes res~d and s~pproTed ~,s r~ad.
Ct?nmunicatatvns read and pl~,ced on file, "
Th~ followin~ natice af electian ws~s preeented a,nd a,dopted.
N~ice is hereb,y ~i'en ths~t ~~enerzl Nlunicipul electian will
be held in the Ci.t,q of ••Zroyo Gra~nde, os Monda,y the 12th, d~y of
~pril, 1!~2~3, for_thc followinf Ufficers.
No . 1,~ Two _Trustee~ _far the Full ter~ of four ye~.ra . ;
There wi71 be ~onc ~otin~ pree3.nct for the purposse of haldin~
sx~.d ~ener~l Aiunicipzl clect~nn, consistin~ of consalidst~.on
af the r~~ul.ar cl~ction precincts ests~bl~ehed for haldin~ Sta~te `
a~nd County eleations follorvs;
Consol~id~tec~ prea~ncti '~A~" co~+prisin~; Sta.te a?nd Countv preci:nct~s
number~ ~one And twa, s~nd the voting p].act thereof will ~w tht
Cit,y Ha~ll. _ _
Tre ~a11~ w~.11 be open betwcen the hour~ of S Ualock, A.~i.
a~nd 5 Qcl ock 1' .hf . _
Deted thi~ 17'th, ds~y of Februa.ry, 1S2f.
~ ;
Y C er .
ses~l . ;
Un rnotion it wa.s ord~r~d that the Off~GC of G=~t,y En6inccr, ~
~ f ora~erl y he1 d~y W. S.Fzrl ey ,~e decl ~red vs~cs~nt . ~
ASotisc~n ms~de a~nd second~ed and carried, that Ws~rren D. At~rch lac ~
a,~pointed Cit.y En~inetr,
RE~pLUTION No. F~, A ecsol.ut3on orderina PL~?NS ANP SPECTF~GATIONS,
for th~ construct~on nf sanitary Se~r~r~ . resalution w~s ~?dopted ~
by the followin~ vote : ,
Ayes, Trusteee, Bennett, Nabl.e, Cox, Pool~ ~nd Conrad.
Nocs, Trustee~, None.
Absent, Trustees, None. ~
The r~~solution a~fter pa.s~e~e was attested b,y the Clerk,
biat~on ma~dc s~nd ~econded, th~t ~rr~n S. Burah bc appointcd Street
Superintendent, Mation ca~rr3cd. ~
l~d~at~on m~de thlet the rate of interest on unpa~id aa,nitr~ry Se~erg, b~.,r~~
7~ pcr s~nnun, the ~+atian w~?s esecvnded s~.nd carried.
Final pa,y~ent of the J. F. Shepardson contract, 3n the sum of
~1~60.50, ~Ml.all~wed ~nd ordered pa~id,
~ F'inal pa~ysent of the Drain~,~e Construction L`o . in the sum vf
~~4~$'3,UO,l•'~d:s~llowed s~nd ordcred paid. both wa~rrants drArrn an the
~,ewtr fund.
Nv further bLisiness a,ppe~.rin~ the meetin~ was a~d,~ourned.
Y Clerg.
Jttest, President.
~~..r_._~ a~ . _