Minutes 1926-03-03 ._.T.__...~,.. , ~,a 7 ~.~4 ~ ~ Jrreyo Gr~fld~, t1A13dvrnia, " . K~rch 3rd, 192R. Board of Tru~te~a set in re~ul~r seea~3.un with presid.ant F. E. B~r~nett in tha ehsir . . On rol l~all , al l o~sb~r$ Qf thc B~ard reparte~t, pres~nt . Una,pprrPed ~i~ut~~ resi ar~d appreved as read. C~~nicatien~ read ~~d pl a~~d on ~ile. , ~ Reperts ~ro~ the City Clerk snd Cit~r Tres~~er, showing ~ balanae oP ~a~gh in the Tre~sury af ~3l~61.38, the r+~perta wer~ acc~pted wnd placed on file. , ' The t'ol l~win~ btl l a were Al l awed ~~d a~de red pa~id . YIM. ?04~ -E. D. ~t~~+?a;rt, S~reet wt?rk, 3„~~ - " 70b, ~eNCr ~ccount, fi~a,l payment~on Sewer, ~a31.70 ~ " 7U6, John Bardin, P'r~i~ht a,nd h~,uli.rj, -~-------~-r ~.48 ~ " 707, ~ri.sco ~c San, Qaa~ ~.nd Uil, - -____.,..__w__..__ "'~.UO . " 708, B. P'. StcwArt, .Ss~lary ~tc; 141,b6. " 709, T. G. 1da,~s, Blscks~aith worY, 3.00 n 910~ West Side Gt,~,r~~e, Ga~~ & 011, ~.72 " 711, County af 5an Luia Obispo, ~ea1'~h unit, 28.~U " 7'12, Pxc~ . Telephon~ ~n . T~~ephane s~er~ice, ~.78 " 713, M.C .Y.s .Corp. B'ire Mydrant~, eta; 10.0~ " 714, H. 0. Steven~on, Str~et MbTky 2~,.,12 [ " 71b, ~s~nta~ b~a.r~A Gas Co . 5tre~t li~ht~, 7g.81 G " 71E~, Cs~rlisle & Co. GfPiGe fiatures, 93.~2 , ' t Tot~l b~11s, -.__~__~..._..___r 8 4. ~ Tl~ativn UFt'iceres to ~onduct th~ Geners~l_ Muri~.c3.p~1 E1eet~vn ~ tp b~ fi~ld °on the 12th, day of April, 1~12~, wcre ~ppainted• ~,s E fel~vrra~ In~peeta~, Lil,y C . Cas~tee]. , Jud`c, Lydia, C . Co~r~d, ' ' ~ Clerlr, Leetrs~ 8. Kytc, Clerk, M~.e 4. Ket~bu~+, . The po113ng pl~ce wi11 be the Cit,y H~?11. I~otion ma,dc a,nd carrfed th~,t the ~~.ty C1erk ~mploy two ca~petent Me» to help re~a?lue the C~.ty, fvr the purpv~se ` of tazati~n. W~rr~n Routzahn present~d a new P3re ext~n~ui~her, th~ purahase vf sa~e was ta.ken under a~dvi~e~een~ . No further bu~sines~ appe~r~n~ the '~et~n~ ws~~ ad f vur~ned ta wednesday ni~ht, March lOth, 1~28,~?t ?.30.p.M. , _ % ^ . . ~ _ ~ _