Minutes 1926-03-10 , Arroyo Grs~nde, Ca~l~farni~,, ~ - M~rah 1oth, 192F. $aa~rd af Trustec~ me~t pursuant to a,d~nurnmcnt, rrith Yrc~ident F. E. Bcnnet t~.n thc chair, (tn roll cal l a,11 ~rc~abers of the ~oa,rd reported, present . Under the h~a,d of unf3nish~d bus3.ness, En¢it~eers nurch a~nd ~ieck presentcd I{~50LUTIUN Nu . 7, (new series ) z xesolut3on a.doptin~ Pl~ns anc~ 5p~cific~,tions for the Canstruc#~~- ion af San~tary ~ewers . ~ Tht Rcsolut3.on r~as a,dapted by the ~olliwin~ vvte, ,A,pes, Trustees, Bennett, Nnb1~, Caz ~'~ale and C~nrxd. s Nocs, Trustces, Nc~nc, ~ ~~bsent, Trustecs,~~None, aftGr pa,ssage thc Resolutian ~ras a.tter~ted b,y thc C1erk. Ensineers ~urch ~ncl Eeck tt~en presented '.~ESOLi1TION UF INT~NT~UN, No . f~, (new series ) g~ Resal~ttion, n~':.;~he Roa~t~~ ~?f ~'r«~te~~ r~~'~ th~ ~~i~ty of Arroyo Grsndc d~clarin~ its in~~ntion tc? i~pro~e port~ons of each of the fallowin~ ~treet~, na~~el.y; Ar.~nch Street, Crawn >trett,T,c ~'oint Strcet, N~7.san ~trec~ Idc Street~ Paole Strcet, r~11cn Street, L~rid~c ~tr,cet ~hort ~trECt l~hitelev ~tree~,and C:~rden Street and a port~an ofCrown Terra.ce; ; Cr~atin~ s~n dssess~aen~ District to pa~y the cnsts s~nd eapen~cs of such wark, znd deter~~-n3nE that~'~cr~~l bonds sha.11 be i~sucd to rcpresent unpa~d assessments thcrean: ; The Re~olution wa~s s~dopted €~f tier resi.ding, by thG followin~ votc, ' ~~Tes, Trus~ee~, Bennett, Noble, Coz, Yoolt a~nd Conrad. ° No~s, Trustecs, None, ~ i ~ ~b~ent , `~rusteea~ , None . ~ j Nc~ fur~her bus3ness ~ppca~r~n~ the meetin~ w:~s ~d~aQrr~ed. ~ - ~ ~e C ty Cler , Att~st, / , F'rex~ident . r ~ ~ ~ .