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Minutes 1926-03-17
. . :n I ~~26 ~ ~ . . ~ ~ ~ Arro,yu Gr~nd~, C~lif+~rn3a, ~~~,rc~h 17th, 1'~2R . Bos~rd of Trustees ~et in re~u~.a~r $essi0n with Eresident F. E. Bennett ~n the ah~.~.r . On roll cnll ,~11 se~pbers of the ~o~r~: rep~rt~d pre~se~t . ~ UnApproved minute~s res~d and ~ppra~ed a~~ r~ad. . i7nf3.n3ehed br~sine~s., u~d~r th~~ hes~d the avntra~ct Per the Caunty HQalth u~it, rra~ read, .and on Motion rr~ss acc~pted, wnd ordered s~¢~ad by th~ Yreaidcnt,.~nd at~+~et~d b~.~he Clerk. . Un ~l~tivn it w~~ ard.~rrcd thet th~ City purah~~c tr?o ~a,ll.on ~ sizm eP fir~ e=tir~lnxi~h~r~ and ~wo r~f illers, fr~xr A~r~e~p , Avutza~hn, Na further bus~ne~s npper~,,rin~ the ~+eetin~ w~~ ad~ourned, r - - .~C~+ ~ ; C ta C1erk. ~ , ?tte~t, , Pr~s~dent. . ~ i I . , ; ~ . . ~ _y~._~W .u..... x~ v~. - - - . . _ . . ._:m... , r ~