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Minutes 1926-05-05
_ . . _ ~ ~ a Arrnyo Grande, Ca13.~c?rn3a., ~ May 5th~ 1926 Baard of Trust~es m~t in re~;ular s~ssion w3th President F. E. Benne~t ~n tb~ cha~.r. On roll call, Trustees Bennett, 1~oble, Coa, Poole a.n.d Conrad reported present, Trust~~s abs~ent, Non~, Unappraved minutes read and approved as reac~. At 8 O~elock P.M. ~he chair salled for th~ open~.n~ Qf bid~ on S~wer syst~. The bids vn f~.l~ ~rer~ opened and found to be bg the followin~ par~ie~ and in the ~'o~.1.e~w3.ng a.mounta; 1, Oal~land ~eaer Con.sstruction Ca., ' Oakland, Californ3z. --___.~___W,~M__~._~._., ~38,836.7U 17raatnage Cvns+truct~.on C4., ~ San~a ~na, Cal~.fornia. ~7,96l5.88 3. U. I~. 8earte, Pas~dena, 38,838.30 4. ~P. J.- Tt~l~an, O~.kland, 42,805.70 R. Watson, Los Angeles,- 43,~03.7l5- g. ~"rank H. Brigha~, Los A.ri~e].es, 43~295.~l5 7. Geor~e C. DeGoZyer, 43,739.3s 8. T. E. C13nch, Richmond, 46,988.OQ 2~ov~d by Trustee Cox, du7~y seconded and una,nimously carried, that th~ bid of Dak].wnd Sewer Construc~ivn Co. be accepted. I~~50LUTIOp NQ . 7.U ( ne~r ser~es ) 1l Resolut~.on awardin~ oontract for sanitar~r ~ev~er~ ~o O~,kland S~~er Con~truct~an Ca. advpted la+y the .fo1l.o~rix~.$ vote: Ayes: Trusteea Sennet,t, No'ble, Cox, Foole and Conrad. Nves: Trus~~~s, None, . Abseni;: Trus~te~s, Non~. Communic~t~on~s read and plac~d on fi1e. , The follviing bi11~ w~re t+~~.lovcd and ar$ered pa~.d. ' No. 728, Lily C. Casteel, SOr~ices~ as election affic~r, $ 6:00 n. 729, L~stra I~yte, n n n n ~ 6:~0 73~~ hiae C. KCt~hum~ n n sr a. ~ ~.0~ " . 7`31, Lyd:La C. Conrad, " " " , 6.DO 732, H. 0. ~te~enson, 3tree~ work, ~~.~a " . 733, A . Car11s1 ~ & Co . OffiQe gupp~ios, 9: S~t ' " 734, On~n & I,a7.ph, Gas, 0~1., antl wor~ ~n oar. 17:3ti 73~?, Santa l~~aria Gas Co. St~reet 1i~hts, ~t~; ~~;66 838, P~,aif 3c Te1 . Co. Te~ephan~ service, 2:76 " . 837, W.W.Rautz~hn,Fire e=~tinguiahers~, 48.UU . " 5~8, Bpnd Red. Int. Furtd, 1921, ~~ree/~ as~. - 3$,1¢ 639, bi.C.P.S.Carp,, l+ire Hydrants, 8; M~~~r readin~, 1D.d0 ~40, E. D. S~ewart, Street wox~, g1~gQ ~ "•~4~~ Burah & Beck, ba1, ~ra~. work on au#,~'all ~o~?er, 22a,74 742, M. A. S~rall, Rev~,luin; re~l egtat~, 10;0~ " . 7'43, ,A. ,A. Henry, n n n ~ ~~.~;C~O 744, awhn Tay].or, S].acksm~.th work, 4.'.,~~ " . ?46, B . F . ~tewart, ~~a~' a~ad exp~nses 1~"f " t~Q Total bi11~, ~$6 Nv fur~her busines~ appearin$, ~he meeting xas ad~aur~ed. Atte~t, , P~+?esiden~. ~ g ~ . .