Minutes 1926-06-02 ~ . _ .v
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Arroyo ~rande, Ca7.ifor~nia,
June 2nd, 1,~28,
~ Board of Trustee~ met in regular session ~ith President '
F. E. B ennet t in the chair .
On rall oq4].1~ aZi members af the Baard report~d, present.
Unappro'ei minutes read and apprvved a~ read. -
Repvrts af Cler~ and Triea~~rer read ~sh~~ving a bal.ance of ca~h
' ia the Treascury of' ~4249.70, the reports rrere aacepted and
placed on fil~.
The ~ml.lowia~ Ui11s Were a7.lorred a~nd~. o~dered paid, -
l~o . 747, ~.C .P.S .Corp . F3.re HyBrauts aad Li~hi~, ~0.~0
"?48, A. Carlia~.e &~Co. Office supplie~, 2,17
" 749, B. F. S~CeWart, Salary and- egpen~es, ----..~-_____r..__ ,~02.B8
" 760; H. C~. Lcipan~sr & Co, Dag tags, 4,10 :
" 7~1, ~anta Maria Gas Co. Street L~.~t~, ~tc; 78;gg
" 7152, Caun~y of San Luis~ Obispo, Healt~? Contract, 4U;00
"?~3, State Comp.~ Ins Fund, Tni~~rance, 'P~np~oyes, g2.12
"?fi4, lrroyo Drug Co. B1ank bo0k, ,80
7bb, Pa~aifi~ Telephe~ne Co. Telephone ~erv~.ce, 3,1~
" 768, H. 0. ste~enson, Str~et ~ork, _ 2g.2g
" 7~7, E. D. Stenart, Stre~t work, 80, 60
" 7b8, J. W. Bardin, Gas and Oil, ...-_~_,,.~__~___..r__~___-- ~.7.71
Tota~ Bil1s, , ¢ .
Map of Subdivisian Na . 3, part t~f Lot 1 of Pis~ma Beach Gard.Caas,
xas presented for approval by the Board~ and on A~otidn, it r~~,s .
orde~.ec~~~he~--Baard appro~e the s~,id I~sp, arid it ~ra~ ~o ordered,
Map di the Fair Oaks Traat, was presented far appra4al b~ the
Baard, and v~ ~ation, it ~a~ arderod tha~ the Board apprvv~ the
~aid Aiap, ax~.d it wa~ so mrdered.
N~ Pur~her business appear3.n~ ~he mee~Gin~ w~as ad~et~ed.
C y er
lttesta , President.
. ~
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