Minutes 1926-06-16 1~5 grroya c~rande, Ca7.ifornia, ' June 16th, ].fa2:' . Board of Trustees met a.n re~ular session with ~'r~satden~t, • F. 1~ . B~nnet~ 3n ~he chair . ~ On ro11 caT2, Trustees Bennett, Feo7.~, Conracl, and Cag reported, present, Trus~Gee Noble, absent. Unapproved ~?a.nutes read and approved as reacl. ~ Commun~.c-atoins froz.~ the C~-ty C1erk of sacramex~~a, iva8 re~.d and placed on fiYe. J. A. Dcel,~e t,~:': ~~;~<.~~,;n', ~ a npa.p of "Beckett t s ddcla.t~on" but the ~ n~a~ b~ein~; ~ncon~p~P~~ no ac~ion was taken, ~esolut3on Na .~.1, (new series ) adopt~.n~; plar~.s a7nd Specifica- t~ons for 5ewer disposal plant tivas read and passed by the falloivYng vpte, Ayes; ~i~'raa~u~s, ~er,nett, Yao1e, Conrad and Cox, ~1aes; Trustees noue, l~~sen~; mr.us~ee; Nobl~. ~tesolut3on No . 12, ( new series ) Resolu~ioi~ of ~:nt~7ntion was re~d and adoptec~. 'l~y the follotvin~ vo~e, ~yes; Trustees, Bennet~, Poo1e, Canrad and Cog, Noes; None, ~lbsen~ ; Trustee Nob1 e . - ~To further bus~.ness appeari.ng the meetzng was ac~~ourned. ~J~ ~ C~.ty C er ~ . ~ f~.~. _ ~