Minutes 1926-07-07 . _ . . . . . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Arroyo ~GraMde, Ca].3.fornia, ~ ' ' ' July 7th~ 1.9~6. ~oard of Trus~ees met ~.n re~ar sess~on with Pr~siden~ F . ~ . Benne~ t ~.n the cha3r . ~ ~ On ro1.1 ca11 ~a11 members of the Board repu~~ed, pre~ent. IInapprve~d mimutes read esnd approv~d a~ rea~d. Repar~ of Officers read, accep~ed and pl.aced on fi1e. The fal7.aw~ing b~,7.1s were allawed and ordered paid, No . 789, Pacific P~lephor~e Co . Telephone service, H.9B " 760, Gear~n~ ancl Q.~;ueda, ~~'or~ on truak, ~;6g ~ ' " 761, A. Ca~13.s~.e &"Co . F3.7.3n~ case, B6:93 " 7C2, T. G. Adams, Labor on jYater wagon, 32:80 " 7$3, B. F. S~~wart, ~alary ~tc; __~_..,._,~__...~w__.._...~ ....~,~g:~0 , " 78~, Ha~kat~s & I~I~t17:ery ~T3ndot~ ~arc~, :7S " 786, E. b. Ste~art, Driv~.n~ ~ruck, q~,OU II " 7B6, H. ]1i. gdams, Stree~ ~rork, ~~pp " 787, C. P. S. Corp, Fire hydrants,etc•, __..LG:UO " 788, Howard & 1~icCabe, S~breet~ suppl~es~ 4;81 ' " 769, Sant~. ~ari~, Gas Ca . Stree~ ligh~ts, ---~-w-----~------~- 78;65 " 77~~ Sarce~los ~ Mor,~an, Serv~.ce i'ar Truck, ~5.76 " '771, H . Q . ~tevenson, S-~reet wark,- _ - _ 35,QU ~ " 772, Ne~r~om Heirs, Grave7. ~"or ~~-Gr~~~s, 37;~0 " 77~; Ut~.nrl~~~ Ca . .~~ph~~tic aoncret~, . 6B:82 " 77~, County of San Luis, Aea7.th Unit,-_~______.._----~, wC;QO ' " 773, Herald«-Recorder, Printin~, ~4,Wb Ta~a~. B~lls, _.._____.._r__~,~.~ g~p,p w.~. HeCke~~ pr~~~n~ed a~ap o.~ T3ecketts Addi~aLon ta the ' ~i~y of A~royo Granse, and vn h~otivn ~ras ordered the City approYe the said map. • ~ A~ 8 0 t Cl oe~ P.l~i .~he ?'resider.~ of t~ie Board aanriounced th~t ` the Baard xas ready t~ hear zn~. a17, protests or o'b~ecst~-vMs to th~ proposed ~vork and i'~aprnve~exzt pravided for i~ Resol~.tion N~ . 12 (New' Series The C~. erk announced that no protest~s or ob~ ect~ans had been presented or f31 ec~, ~ind ~su such prote~t havin~ b~~n pregented or filed was r~~ularYg mo~ed, seconded and carr3ed that the Board nuw proce~d to the considera~ion af o'~c~.zri~q~ tha~ the work ment~.oned in said esolution No . 12 (ne~r se~rie~ ) be done. ~hereupon, ~t~soxution No . (new ~eries ) , a ~eeolution of the Soa~ ~f ~ Truste~ aP the Ci~y of Ar~oyo Grande orderiri~ the ~on~tr~a~i~ri of ~anitary Sewerss was preeented, read ancl a,~opted b~ the fo~loeitag vote: Aye$, Trnstees, Ben~ett, Poa1e, Coarad, Cos ~nd ~toble, • Noes, Trus~ee~', None, ^ ~ . Absen~, ~rustees, PWone, No f ur'~rer business appearin~ the meeting was ad~o~e~d:. dd. - er . ~ ~ ~ Ac. I~ ' ~