Minutes 1926-07-21 1~~ Arro,po ~ranc~e, ~al~fornia, ' July ti1,st, 1926. Board of Trus~ees met -in regu7.ar session w~.th President F . ~ . Bennett ~.n the chair . 0~ ro~l ca11, '~rus~ees BennPtt, Poole, Conrad and Nob~.e, reported, Present, Trustee Cox, ~.bs~n~. *Jna;~pr~ve~. ~ix~utes read and apprv~ed as read. , r~ ~;ht s Cnz_~unicat~on from the Di~~s~.on of ~'.ater ~ was read and p],aced ori fi1e. Under ~"he head of neW business, Dr. Su~herland, Health ' Officer ac~dressed the mee~~ng on the needs of a County milk inspea'~ion~department, and under his su~gestion, R~SOLU~`IO~w' No. ~4 ( new series ) was read, and after read3n~ the ltesolut3.on ~?as adopted by the fo1.l~w~tn~ qote, Ayes; Trustees, Berinet~, Poo1e, Conrad and Nob1e, Noes; Trustees, Nane~ Absent; Trustees, CoR. There bein~; no further business to come before tihe mee~in~ and or.I~To~ion the meetin~ was adjourned to Wednesday, Ju1y 28th~ at 8 Ocloclc, P.M. i y C er , Attes~, , ~'resident . ' ~ _ .,~r1 ~ .