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Minutes 1926-08-04
l39 Arroya Grande, CaT3foar'n~.a ~ Augus~ 4th, l~~fi. Soard af 'Truatees met in regu].ar session ~i~h ~'res3.dent F . ~ . Bennet~ ~n the chair . ' On. roll ca11~ Trustees Bennet~, Poole~ Conrad and CoR reported present, Trustee ,;oble, absen~. Unappro~ed m~.nu~~s read and approved as r~ad. Corcmnxn3cat~.ons read and placed on f~1e. Repor~s from City Clerk and C~.ty Treasurer ~r~.~ read show~Lng a balanoe of cash 3n the Treasury of ~33~b.~3, ~Yze re*~nz *~s r~ere acc~pt~cl and. placed an f~le. The fol~.ow~.n~ bills wer~ read and ordered paid, Na. 776, S~a~c~ard Oil Co, Preight on asph~.l~, $ 4:fi0 " 7"l7~ G~ari~x~; aIId a~ueda; Suppli~s, 1:Q0 "'7'~8, Pac Telephone Co. e7.ephone serv~.ce, 2,78 " 7'7J, ~I~.wl~~ins & `"111.er, ~uPPlies, 3,96 " 7~0, ~I. 0. a~evenson, 5treet ~vork, -~_---r__........~_ 28.U0 " 781, Newsom Heirs, Gravel for Stree~s, 11:20 " 782, Coun~y of S.L.~. Health ~nit, 2U:00 " 783, T. G. Aaams, Blacksmi~h wnrk, 2:~~ " 784, Srisco &~on, supplies for truck, 20,70 ~ crcey Senay, P'asnt for S'tree~s, 3:'76 " 78F$, I~I.C.P.S.Cor~,I'ire hydrants and wa~er, 2~.11 " 78?, L. D. Ste~4art, ~treet wnrl~, 82 , w~ " 7~8, ,5anta l'"aria Gas Co, S~reet 1i~hts, 78.6b " '789, E. F. Stewart, ~alary,~tc; 100.7~ " ",~~0, Barcel].os and ~Ior~;an, supplies for truck, 1b.85 Tota~. bills, 4 1.74 No fur'ther business ~.ppear3n~, and an motiQn the meetin~ ~ was adjourned. E.'Y' w Att~st, , Pres3deni;. E