Minutes 1926-08-18 ,y., T..~.. ~ -___._f. . ~ . , . . . . ~40 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Arroyo Grande, Caldfoz~'aia, - . - Au~ust ].Sth~ 192fi. Soard of Trustees me~ in re~;u~ar session ~v3.th , Trustee C. S. I~ob~, e, presid~.nS, ~ - Ro].l of afficsers cal~.ed, and ~Y. C. Pao~.e, A. Conrad, ~ H.~. Coa ancl Ck. S.~Qo'b1 reported, present, Presidea~ F. Bennet~, absent. . r Un~.pproved m~nutes read and appro'ed as read. Coxrimmaniaa~Gions read and placed on fil.e. The C~.ty~C~erk was ia~~ruated to see about rea~in~ the ~e~er ~'arm to Lee Ross, Tt was order~d that the Truok drit~r aut the ~illows out of ~he ~caree~. . No furtl~e~ ~u~iness appearin~, and on I~Sc~t~Lon the ~ ~ meetina Was ad3~onrned. , ~ ~ ~ . ' ' ~ YY~ q . P y ~ bi • ~ Jlttest, ~ ~dr , Pres, pro tem. - - Au~;ust 18th~ 1926~ Board of Trustees met pur~uan~ to ad~ournmen~, w3.~h Trustee C. 5. Noble in the chair, On ro7.~. cal.~., Trustees, Poale, Car_ra4; Co~ ax!µ Nc~~1.e, reported pre~sent, President F. E. Ser.xzet-L, d~~in~. s~~e President s~a~ed the -ob3eet of ~he meetin~ was ~o f~i~ ~Ize tax rate, the City C1erk reported no cla3.ms having been - filed far remdjns~ment, the Baard then proceeded to fia the taa r~.te, ~f'ter a aar~ful ezamina~ian of the ~ag 1.ists~, p~+ ~~o~~on au1~ ~c:cc~~~.~d., i;?~.4 i,~.:~ x~wte for the er~suing yea~ ~ras f3xcd as folloWS, Se~xer bonds, 3~ ceants, ~ridge bonds, ~ 32 " General fund, g~ n To~al , , by the follo~ring vote, Ayes, Tru~stees, Paole, Conrad, Cog and Nab1e, Noesi Truste~s~ Noney - Abser~t, Trustee, Bennett. On Motion the meet~.ng was ad~ourned.~ City er~ + Att(,'St ~ 'lO- riJ . PI`t'S , tx`O ~EBI. N . _ ........_......__4...~.~1._~._w_._ ~...,.LL_ . ..w. ...x~.,,.....,..y~u:r:..,....a~.,a»_.r. _ _ . __.~~~._~.:`.1`..'~... - ~ . . ' _ . w..ri_"_ .