Minutes 1926-09-01 141 . Arroyo Crande, California, ~ Septernber 1st, 19~6. I3oarcl of Trustces met i>~ re~ular session ~v3th Pr~siden~ T' . . Bennett, ~i~ ~he chair . Un ro17. ca11, Trust~es Bennett, Poole, Conra~l, Cox and r'oble reportec~, present, abs~n~, Nane. Un.approved n~~.xiutes read anci. aPproved as read. . Repor~s of the C~ty Clerl,: anc~ C~ty Traesurer, read showing a c~.sh balance ~Ln ~he Tr~asu~^v ~f ~294F.~~, the reports were accepted and p~,aced on file. The fa17.~o~vinp; bi11s were a7~low~d and orclered pa~.d, ~ 79~,, ~ t $tew€~.rt ~ ~treet ~vork, e~c; ~ ;7~ 7~'~~ ~T. C. 1', S. Corp. ltiater, F'a.re hydrants, etc; 26,~3 ~ 733, Newsom '`eirs, Gravel, -.-_____~.~,.,M__..~..~_.._..M~__r_ ~;:~0 '7J~, Baracllos ancl A:orga , Soppli~s, :~G '7~6, Ccunty af aaw~ '~a~z:~M ~b3spn, Heal~h unit,--------- ~0,00 79~3, n. F. ~~e~var~, ~alary stc; . ~01.~5 7~7, Iven Gr~zzle, 5uPpl~tes fQr office, 3.15 7~8, kI . C~ .~tevensan, S~reet worl~, 43.76 '79~J, Turneys ~lectr~c Shop, ~1ec~r~c ~obes, --------w 1.~~ SQO, San1;a ~~aria Gas, Co . Str~et 1~.ghts, etc; 78.65 ~01~ Nest ;~i~.c rax~~~e, Truck supZ~lie:~,-_-~--______.._~_.~ 22.$~ 8~~?, Pacific Coast Coal Co. Cement, 4,00 803, John Bard~n, jVatex~ ~ant~, -~--~~---_~~._~w~...~____-_-_~r_-~ ~s~::~~ FC`~, ~~€:~~~.~:'~.u ~c~ c~~ i:v~~c ~r . Te~e4,I~ ~~ic- _~~r:i ~c,,-~m~.__--- 2:95. Tc ~~,i_ ~~3.11.s, ~ ~ . Th~ City 01er1~ was instructec~ ~o procure p].umb~.n~ Orda.nances from outs~cle Ca~t~.es, . ~n Tr.otion i~G wa,s orderecl that the C3.~y ~xarantee a,n ei~ht houx~ r~ay i or l~t~htin~ ~c:~e prc~p~~~~c~ ~~.~n a~t ~unction of Branch and I3ra~d~e ~~treet~ . *rc ~'a~ ;;~~e~ '~u.:~i~.c~s app~ar:Ln~, and an P~iotiaxa ~h~ meeting was ad~ourned. ~ C ty er~: Attes~, , Pres. ~R. f - A ~ , ' . . ' . . ....~Ji~