Minutes 1926-10-06 3.43
Arrayo Grande, Ca7.ifarnia,
, October fith~ 1~26.
Boarcl af Trus~ees met in re~;u.lar s~ssion tivith President
F. Benne~~, in the ahwir.
On. ro11 call, a~.l members of ~he ~eµr~. reparted, present.
Unapproved minutes read and appravea as read.
~t~ports nf City C1erk and Treasnrer, ~ead show~.rig a
bala.nce of cash in the Treasury af $251b.?4, the repor~s were
accepted and pl.aced on f~.le.
The f o7.1 o~3ng b3.11 s were a11 awed and ordered pa~.d .
No. 8Q5, ~Barcellos & biar~an, Sugpl3~s, $1.00
n SD6, John Taylpr, Blacksmatth work, 7.4,5Q
" 807, Standa,rd ~~1 Cb~. Asphal-~ cement,~-------~------ ~'7;U4
$08, Ptewsom He~rs, Gravel, 10,2U
n 809, ZI. 0. Stevens~n, Street warl~, ~4.50
" ~10, J.~4 . Bardin, Gas and Oa.l ,---------_-w------~--~ 18 , ~ 4
" 8~1, ~ac. Te~.'ephone Co. Tel.ephone ser43.ce,------- 4.1f~
" 812, San~a R~far3a Gas, Co. 5tree~ L~.ghts, 7$.Ei5
" 813, Bank of A. G. ~t~n~ of box, 3.00
" 814, County of San Lii~.s ~bispo, I1ealth unit,----- 20,Op
" 8~~, ~3. F. Stexart, Salary e~c; 1U1.50
" 816, Herald-Recorder, Printin~, 30.80
" 81'7~ Ivi.C.P.S.Corp. F3re hydrants an.d water,----- 1g;gg
~ 8~.8, E. D. Stewart, .~treet work, g0, 50
Total bi11a, --_.._____r_~____~ ~
Ord~.nance Number 33 ~vas 7.aid over to next mee~~n~.
No further bus3ness appear~ng the mee-~in~ was ad~ourned.
C ~y C er i .
Attest, ~ , Prss3.dent .
L _ ~