Minutes 1926-10-20 . .
~ ~
Arroyo GGr~rx~de, Califr~rnia, ~
. . October 2~~h, 1928.
Board oP Tru~tee~o met ~n re~lar ses~. vn . -
W~.th President F. E. Ber~nett 3n the chair.
On roll call, a11 m~mbers of the Board
repor~ed, ~?res~ent .
UnapproTert mingte~ read and ~ppro4ed as read.
L~.11 af Standard 031 Company., that was held o~~r
from ~.ast meetin~, fbr ~~7.~4, wa~ allowed and
ordered paid.
. Ord3.nanEe No . 32 ].~~d o~er to neat meet3.ng. .
_ xo fur~h~r busi~e~l~l a,ppear~.n~, ~the m~et3ng
xas ad~ aui?~,ed . . - _
. y er
. ~tteaat, - , Presic~.ent ~ . , . . .