Minutes 1926-11-03 " Arroyo Grande, Calif~rn3a, Navember 3rd, 1~~B. ~ ' ~awr~ of Trustees met in re~ular sessinn With .t'r~sideb~ F. E. Bennett in the chair . On r~~1 aall,all merab~*rs af the Board repor~ed, presen~~ Unapproved mimutes read and apprnved as read. Com~unicat3.ons read and placed an fi1e. Reports af Catty C~.erk and Trea~urer, read. show~n~ a bal.anae of cash in the tr~asury of ~3267.71, the repor~ts were acc~pted and placed on file. The f a1.1. ow~.ng b:tll s were aIl o~v~d and ordered pa~.d. 8~.9, 1~. 0. ~tcv~nson, ~treet tivorl~, ~;~1.50 5~0, Pac. Telephone Ca. Telephone srevice~ 2:90 821~ AI. C. P. S. Corp, Clater & Hydrants, 822, PaeifYC Coas~ Coal Co. Cemen~, -------w--~------~-- 1:~00: 823, Standara ~~.1- Co. Fre~.~;ht on .~sphal.t, 4.14 824, F. S~e~vart, St~eet work, H~.7~ 825~ Gaun~y of' ~.L.O:, ealth unai.~,_..~__,~__________~.,.~ ~;~,00 828, G~arin~ &~~ue~.a, t"lork on truck, 8.~ , ~3?7, ~ an~ta i.~ar3a Gas Co. 5tree~ lights~ 78.6fi 828, Netivsam HeaLrs, ~ ura~ex for Streets, '7:~Q 8~9, Brisr,o ~on~ Gas antl a3.1,----~-_--_w__.,..w__.~..--- ~3:~~ 830, n.- F. Stewart, ~alary, and posta~e, 1U5: uS ~~1, Cax ~L~;ent, ~e~er pipe, - ~C~.00 Total bi1~.s~ -_..M__..____ « No furth~r b~aN~ness appearing the~meeting was ad~ourned. Ca.~L C erl~.~ Y Attest, , President. _