Minutes 1926-12-01 ~ l4"7 ; Arroyo Grande, Ca7.3fornia, " D~cember lst~ 19~F. noard of Trus~ees met 3n re~;ular sessian with President F. E. Senn~~t in tx~~ cl:w~r . Un roll ca~.1, A~1 members of the Board reported, present. Unappraved ~inutes rearw ~nc~_ aprroved as read. Iieports c~' City Clerk ancl Ci~y Treasurer, reacl showing a, balance of cash 3n the '~reasury of ~4499.~2, the reports were accepted a.nc1 p7~aced on fi1~. "r~'!C~ ~'C~~CSY7,T:(~; ~7~~~.5 were read and ordered pa~d. Nu^~~er pnan and I~alph, Gas and ~il, _~~~.'7~, " 833, Ccuntsr cf 5an Lu~s Ob~.spo, Hea~.t:~z knit,----~- 20.OQ " 834~ H. 0. StCVet~son~ ~tx'~et wdrk, 35.00 " S~~i, r. Stewart, Salary and ~osta~e,~-___.,____ ~02.5U " 83~, Gearin~; and A~,ueda~, Gara~~ work, 1.~5 " 837, J, J. Schnyder, Blacksm3th work, ~.50 'r 838, Car1~.s1~ Co, License books, 2,7.75 " 839, T~ . II . Smith, Prin~3n~, ~.7p " 840, C. R. Patterson, Po~ice duty, 7,pp „ 841, Santa, ,l~laria ra~ Ca . ~treet l~.~hts, ";'C . ~'7 " 842, Pac . 1 el ephone Co . Tel e~±l~cne serv3.ce, ~.~5 " 8~3, E. D. ~ W~r; wrt, Street work, 74. it3i;~..? ~ Orclinance ido. 33, Urdir.~.nce r~~ulating the plumb~.ng with~.n ~he Ci~ty of llrroyo G~~anc~e, ~~rnvid~n~ far th~ appointment of a 5anitary ancl ~'lumU3ng Snspector, and es~,abl~sh~Ln~ rules for plumb3n~ and connect~.ng w3th ~3~e ~ei~*~r systerr~ of the C3.ty of ~.rroyo Grancle, Cal:i~ arna~a. qra. motion ~he ~rdin~,nce passed second reada.ng by the follv~v3ng Vo~e. ~1yes, Trus~ees~ Benneti~, Poo1e, Conrau., Co$:i_end Noble. ~Ioes, Trus~ees, None, ~ Absent '~rustees~ Non,e. ~'he Ordinance ~vas then and there s~.~;ned by the ~'res~dent of the Ecaarcl. of Trustees, anc7. attes~t~d Uy the Clerk of s~,icl City . ~ln application froni Frederici~son anei ji'atson, (Sewer Contractors ) i or an exten~ion of t3me on ~heir contract, on i~iot~or. dixly seconded and carried, an exi;ension of ~Hirty (30 ) days 1;iarie w•:. ~ ~rwni:ed the said Gontractors. Yo ~urther bus~ness aPpearin~ the meetang w~.s ac~~ourned. ~ C y C er .~ttest, Presiclent . 6 _ : _ _ ....x: