Minutes 1927-01-19 ~ ~ ~ . r . _ . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . : ~.~o ~ ~ ~ r ~a ~ Arrc?yo Grande, Cali~arnia ' January 19~h, 1:~27. Bearcl of Tru~tees 'met 3n re~ular sess~,on 'w3th PreM3dent F.~. Bense~Gt ~.n the chair . Qn ro11 ca11 all members of the '~oard, reported prese~.t . UMapproved mimrxtes~ read and approved as read. bIrs . F. W. Janes, ~appeared before the Couna~il with a sketch p1.an of a~suBdi~ision af a par~ af ~bhe Co~ta plage, - On 'hio~~.on the C1erk was instrucsted ta have the L+"n~3.neerss to set grade 's~akes on Wes~ Le Poin~ Street, ' arid North 1Viason Str~e~ . ' Th~ Street Gamm~.ttee was ~nstruct~d to give permission to ins~,al]. the new ~5tr~et sign at the junct~.on of Sranch and Drid~e Stre~ts.' ' ' No further business appear~n~ the meet3n~~ wa~s adjourned. ~ C~.ty C er . lttest, , Pres~.dent . . - . ~ • - • ~ ~C