Minutes 1927-03-02 l53
Arrayo Grande, Califirnia, `
A~arch 2nd, 1~2~.
Board cf Trustees met in re~ular session ~~~h
Presiden~ F. r~ . Sennett, in th~ cha3.r .
On ra1~. call, a~l members of th~ noard, reported
Unapproved manu~es reaa and approved as rea,d. ~
Communa.ca~a-ans read and placed an f31.e.
j~eport of Officers read, showin~ a casY~ ba~lance
~.n thE Treasury of ~533~.76, thc reports ~vere accepted
and placed an f~.1e.
The f all owa.n~ bi1.1 s wcre all ot~'~c7. and ordered paid.
8'7f?, B. S~~wart, Sa].ary and posta~;e, ~~,01.50 ~
~77 ~ Coun~y af ~ . Ta . . , Health Una.t ~ 2q.0U
~78, L. D. Stejvart, Stree~t worl~, .._....W_~_.~_~..~_~,___..--- $g.0a
~"i9, ~'acifatc "1'elePhone Co. ~l~elephone serva.ce~ 3,~0
880, H. 0, S~evenson, Street ~vor~, 28.00
881, Barcellos &~a~ar~an, Repa~trs for truck~ 2.b~
582, 4th, ~up. District, Culvert p3pe, ~5;?~3
S$3, Br~.sco w Son, Gasolene a,nd Oi1, --~--~-------~--w------ ].~,J~J
584, Fredric~rsan & T";'a.~son, 24 fee~ culvert, 38.OU
~85, Sant~.~iaria Gas Co. S~reet L~-~hts, --------_r___ 93.10
Tota]. b~11s, ,
On P,~otion ~t ~r:.tis arderecl that the Plumbin~ Ins~cc~or, be
allowed ~he f~e of ~1.5fl for Sewer ~inspec~~.on.
i~Ta fur~her bus~.ness appeurin~ the meeting was ad~ourned to
:'lednesday, ~arch 9th~
ti ~
ty Clerk.
~,ttest, , President.
~ _ ~