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Minutes 1927-03-16
. _ - ~r..~ ' ;;~.T7 ~.~4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Arro3~o- Grande, Ca13.forn~a, n~arah 1,6th, 7~927. Iiaard af Trus~ees metT in re~ul~,r se~s~.on wa.t~ ~ Pres~den~ F. E. Benne-~~, a~n the chai~. c~n roll ea~7. a~.l member: of the ~oarcl repor~G~c? p~e~sen~. . Unapproved ~a~.~~utes read and ~.~pro~ed as read. Cn ~iot~ion aL~ ti~w~ vrcierea ~ha~ the C~~y purc;~~~~c cx°ushed rock ta ~ra'e1 ~~~.,~a.i ~treet, from Er~.dge Str~ce~v to ;'~h~.te].ey Street. ivc ~'urt.a^~~ Lt~:;~..n~ss appea,r3n~ the mee~~.ri~ Was ad~ot~~?ed . to Wc~dneaday ?~-'~,rch 23rd, 19~7, . ~ ~ . _ y ~r . A~; ~es , ~res3.d~nt . - , - i . ~ _ . ~ . _ . __~._.:,.r..~.~,.~~ _ _ _