Minutes 1927-03-23 ~
~rroyo Grande, Calxfornia,
11~arcri 23rd, 1J~'7.
Board oT' ~'rustees r~e~ pursuant ta a~.journment ~v~th
I'resident r. r. i3ennett in -~he cha~.r.
C3n rol~. ca17., TrLls~ces, Benne~Gt, ~onrad, Poole ancl '~ax
r~ported, ~resent, Trustee Noble, ab~ent.
The C~~t;y Cl c~~k repor~ed ~ha~ . no ~ro ~~sts, or c~?~ i pc o~s
to the issu~,nce c~' laoncls,l:aci besn f~,led,
Ci~ty ~t~arney sh~psey, presen~ed and read Resolu~ion
No . 1'7 ,(netv scr~~s ) a resolut.~.on relat~n~ t~ the ~.ssuance af
~mprovem~nt bonas r,f ~he Ci~y cf' Arroya Grande pursuant to
~esoluta.on of Zn4entaLon No . ~ti , (new ser~es ) dc.terrn~n~n~; ~he
~.moun~ of unpaid assessments, pre~cr3ti~.n~; t11e denaminations
of such '~onds, and pro~~.ciiiz~; :~or thea.r ~.ssuanee a3~c:~ ~?c1.:~~cr~ .
Tl~e R~so~.u~a.on ~vas adoP~ed by ti~e followin~; vate;
l~yes: Trustees, Benne~~, ~onrad, Poo~e and Cog,
. Na~es : '1'rua~~c~s, Nane,
~bsen~: '~'rus~tees, a.oble.
On ~:~o~ion it ~va.s ordered to have sidewall~ ~;raci.es
establislled on +'+'es u ~ranch Strc.et .
No fiiri~her buszness a~~pea.rin~, the meeta.n~ svas ad~ our_nec~.
~ - '
. City C erk.
~',ttest, , rresa.dent .
- ~