Minutes 1927-04-06 ~ ~.n ~~6 ~ ~ ~ ~ . Arroyo Srande, Ca13fo~n3.a ` . April ~th, 1927. ~aai^d of Trus~ees me~ 3n re~ular sess3on w~.~h President F. E. Bennet~ in the cbair. On roll aall Trus~eee~, Bennet~, Canrad, Poole and Coa ~ reported, present, Trus~ee Nab?_e, absent. Unappro~ed mi.~tes read and approPSd as res~d. ~ Communica~~ans read and p].a~ed on fi].e. Treasurer and C~.ty C7.~rk rende~ed a repar~ shaw~.ng a ca~h balance in the Treasury of ~4938.54, - P1.u~b~.n~ ~nspec~or Mo~her, f~.led a report of h~s Office, repartin~ 31 Se'~er aon~aeat~ions, sinae 1as~ r~port. C~.~y Recarder (~armmons, ~'iled his report for Recoders ~our~; ~ r,eporting Four ~ase~ bein~ d3sposed of, and turn~.n~ in to the Treasury c?f' $13,~0, the reports were ac~~epted and placed a~l Pi1.e. The folla~in~ b~.lls- ~rere a17..o~ed and ordered .paid. 88E~ Pacif3.c Yelephane Co, Telephone s~rv~.c~, 3:8~1 - 887, Caun~Gy of. San Lu~.~ Ob3sspo, Keal.th nn~.t, -~U.00 888, C. R. Pattersan, Deputy ~arshal, bS,ClO 889, I~. R. 5wa].1,, Premium on bands, 10:OU 890, T~i. Wal~ers, Gr~velln$ ~Telsan S~ree~, ~46.60 891, F. H. Gat~s, Tnc. 282 tons ~ravel,, 2~,~.$~ 832, P.C~.Z3.R. Fre~~ht on gra~e~., 2~,1.g0 893, A. ~I. Gannnons, Reaorders fees, 8,04 894, H. 0. S~evensan, Street ~rork, 77.0~ SJ6, T. Adalns~, Bla~k~mi~h work, ~.4~ 898, Sarce].~as & Iviar~a~, Repa~.r ~ruck, 2.1$ ' 897, Ha~¢kin~ & hi3.11er, Su p13~s Qfr Stre~t `~ork,__ 5:~~ 898, Onan & ~talph, Gas ~C ~~.1, .._w_w__~...______...~_.._~.w~._ 30:93 899, Howard & ~Z~Cabe, Hardlare, . 3.75 900, E. A. Ste~art, Stree~p ~rvr~, 1OQ.Q0 J~l, S~~n:~ard OaLI Co. 4 Bb~:~s ~gph~z~.t,__~.___~.~,.__~_.~_.._ 31.9U ~U2, ~1. Car~.~.s1.e ~ Ca. Of~ice suppl3,es, ~~2:82 ~?03, ]~7 .C .P.S .Corp . Tire ~Iydrants, etc; ~.a.00 904~ RT.C.P.S.C~rp. n " Pr1o. Feb. _x____..______...... - 10.Oa f3U5, San~a b~aria Gas Co. Street Lights, T~__.....~__.~ ?~~.g~ ~07; n~~F.R~tewart~~~a~ar~y~andu~~s~a~~,r~-----w-----~- 1t7~.40 908, . G Oorr~erca~.a~. Co . 3 ~a~.s pa3nt, ~,D. ~U 9U9~ ~Ierald-~e~ord~r, Prin~in~, ~.fi~ 910, P. C. Coal Co . L~~mber for cul,ver~s, 11.,18 fl11, J. J. Sehnyd~;r, Bla~ksm~th work~ ~,00 Tota~ amount of bills, 1 , A pet3t~.on s~,gned by 1~. R. Swa11 and others was fi1~d, far the _ City to canstruct curbs and ~utters, on North nsason Stree'~, th~ ~'roperty owners agreeing to pu•t ~n s~dewa~ks, the petit'ion wa~s 1a~d o~*er ~o next me~tin~. No further bus3ness appearin~ the mee~in~ w'as, adjaurned. C y er c. Attest,- , ~'reeident.