Minutes 1927-05-04 :15$..P.~. : ~
~ ~
Arrayo Grande, Calii'arnia,
Aiay 4'~h, 1~27.
Board of Trustees me~ in regular sess3on w~L~h Pres~.dent
T~' . : . £ enne~t ~n the ~ha~r .
. .
On roll call aIl members of the* ~aard report~ed, presen~ .
Unapproved minutes read and app~ra~ed as ~e~.d.
Cor:~un~.~atians read and placed oa~ fi1e.
The fol.l.o~v3n~ b~.11s we~ e allowed and order~d pa~d, ~
No. 912 Bar~ellas & Mr~r~an, S~.pp~i~s for ~ruck, ~1,64
" 913, ~T.C.P_.S.Corp. Fatre hydran~s, Etc; 21:96
" 914, L. A. Br~.sco, Suppl~les, for ~ta~eet work, 2;,~i0
n 9~.b ~ P~1~G'~.~'~^ C~a.a u Ccj~a.l E`c ~ CEI~~7C1~ - 1`~ j~E30
`r H. 0. S~evens~an, ~-~ree~, wvrk, ~2:00
~ 917, 5an~~ ~,iaria Gas Co, Street L~~hts, ~7.0~
" 918, Herald Recorc~er, Pr~intin~, 4;52
" ~19, Jae Ttie]., ~~r~et~ wark, ~;20
" J20, B. F. Ste~rart, Salary t~ expenses, -~---~~-~-~-----~--~.7,2:50
" J21, E. D,, ,Stewar~,_ Stree~ work, -----___..~.W____~.,..~~U4;00
" ~Jw2, ~ac. ielepl~3one Co. 'I~el.~ Serv~Lce,____.~_~......~...__ 4,g~
" J~3, Count~ o~' San Lu~.s Obispo, Hea].th un3.t 2D;00
To~al b~.~.7.s, W..w......__-~___---- ..8.
The re~or~ af the t;3~y Clerk and Ci~y Treasurer, ~as re~cl
showin~ a cash balance ~n ~h~ Treasury of ~5~34.'77, the
repnr~ 4as accerted and p1€~,ced on f'3.1 e. ~ c..~ ,7 )
The fol~ow3xa~; Perm~~s svere gran~ed, Gear3ng and A~ueda
w~,s ~ranted a p~rm~.t ta ~.nst~.11 a gas pump on s~.dewalk ~
~.n fron'~ af their ~ara~e,
~ A. A. Casteel was ~,~t+anted a perm~~ to put an ~rr~.ga~ivn
pa.~rc u~z~!~r the Arroyo Grande and Oceano Hi~;hway.
The C3.ty C7.erk was ~ranted one week v~cation, ~o be~~.n
~ta.y 14~h~ .
~ The Pe~it~.or~ of Swa11, ~iouher and otlners for the C~.~y ta
pu~ in ~urbs anu ~utters on Nox•i,~, }'ason ~treet, same was
la3.d over 3n order to ge-L est~.mates an the ~rorl~.
No further bus~.ness appear~.ng ~he mee~ing w~~~ a~ j ournc4i..
. C ~y er~.~
.c~tt~s~, , Pres~.c~ent. ~
~ .
~ ~