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Minutes 1927-05-18
~ 159 s'~rro~•c Gr~.i~dc, Ca.li~'orn~~~,, ~;'ay 18~h~ 1~D27. Board of Tru~tees me~ i~1 r~~ular ~ession titiith Presi~l.e~'~ r.1...~.:ernc4t ir_ the Ghaa~r. On ro1`~ c~,11, Tru~tees Eennet~, Cenrac3, Cax a.1c1 ~'oalc repor~cd present, ~'r~.istee Nab1.e a,bsen~, ~1sa Citsr Clerl~,` abse~i;. Unap~.~ u4eu r:~~.rzutes r~ac~ a.nd ~.~pro~rec~ as re~,d. CoxTununicat~.or,s react ~nc;~ pl~cecl on file. ° , Pet~t~on af ~tv~,ll anc~. s`osl3er ~a.ic~ over to ne~t~ r~eet~n~;. ~ fu~ c}~er 'h~~: ~z~,ess ~,~~e~er~n~, i,he r.leei;~n~ w~.s a.d~ ourned. ~ l~ctix~~ C er~; ~,tteut, .~w Presic~en~ . i ~ _ _ _ -