Minutes 1927-06-15 ..:,.i
Arro3-a Gra.nc~.e, Califarnia, '
June ~5th, ~J2'7,
~ Soara oi' lrustees met in re~ular s~ssion w~~h
Yresiden~ F.L.Benr_~~t ~.n ~hE cha~.r.
On ro11. c2~1.1 all m~mbers of the 13oard reportecl, pres~nt~.
Unappraved r.~~nutes reac~ and apprdved as read.
~3ic~~ for cemen~ was ~'received from ~he Sou~hern I'acific
?,i3~113ng Ca, and L. S. jYh~.t1 ock, and Yaclf~c Coas1, Coa,1 Co .
and af~er consiaer~n~; the sa~Ld. b3.ds, ~he pac~.f~.c Coast Coal
CU , was a~varc~.ed the eontract far b00 or mare sacl:s cement
at ~3.32 per Bbl . w~th a credit o:f sev~n and _one hal.f cen~s
, p~r empty sacl;. returned ~.n ~ood cond~.tion.
_ The nnly bic~ far s~ee1 wa.s :fram L.u .jYh~.tlack, at the
follo~~3n~, c~~.l~tation~,
r 3~4 ynch s~ee1, G~3,85 per 1~O~.bs. _ _
r~/~ n ~f n ~;ys n n
_~~2 n ~r n 4 ~ Q6 » x
Thc C~.erk tv~ s in~tructea to order .the s~zE and quanti-~y,
, requ~red f or ~~ie Lr~el~ and the Vau1 t j ab . . .
, B. S~ew~.r~, ~vas axsno~~i~P~. ~c ~wk~e ahax~e af bu3,Idin~;
~he Braneh an~. :'~~i-~e1Cy ~~~~eei; wall..
P. propo:~al of D. T. Sanford nf Cceano, to del~ver ~;rave~.
_-~o ti~e Creel~ j ob f ar $x . w5 per cubxc yard,
~7ohn Bard~~i made a ver'aa7. propos~~aon t,o furnish creek
_ ~raveY at ~1.0(3 per yard. -
I~o ac~ion wa.s ~a.~~z~. :i.n the xnatter of ~ra~el.
No fur'th~r business apPearin~ the mee~~tng was ad~ourned.
. ~
City Cl,er?~.
Attes~, , ~'residen~ ,