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Minutes 1927-07-06
F . . . . ~ ~ 1 ~.6~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Arroyo Grande, Ga~.iforn~.a, • - July 8~h~ 19ti7. Ci~y CoAnc~.1. me~ ~n re~ular session w~.~h ~I~,yor, F. E. Bentae~t,~.pr~~~c~~ng. On ro11 cal~., all mem~eers of the Corane~x rQpor~ed, pre~e~~. - Unapprvved m3nu~es read and appro7ed as read. iteport a~ C~.ty Clerk, C~.~y Treasurer and the ~umbing Ins~ect,or, re~,c~, ~nd placed on fi1~, x, C~ty Treasurer repor~ shows a cash balance in ~he '~reasury o~ ~4397'.~.~5, . . _ . . The follow~.n~ batl~s ~rere al].owed and ardered paid, ~ Na . ~38, ~3. F. SteWar~, Creek ~ab, ~ ~ 33:00 " 940~ ~'liot Cax~ " ~r n ! ,~---..-~-~_~.....___~_~.w_.. 18;00 " 941, Lloyd Turner„ n n~___.~~.~------------- 22:Q0 " 9a2, Albert Fabes, - „ " ~ ~__~_.~w.~r_...~~..~______ ~2;00 " 943, Br~.sca 7~ Svn~ Gas and 0~.1,-~-____~._.~__--..---,~ 1.~:H2 " 944, E. D. S~ewar~, •Stree~ ~*ork, ~_--~--__r_..W__..__.~ 1pp;00 " 946, Pacif3c Telep~one T~;~lephone ~erv~.ce, 3:f38 " 946, Si~aadard 011 Co . Frei~;h~ & Asphalt, ~0;~8 " 947, Cot~n~y of `S.L.O. Health uni~, ~~:00 " [3~:ffi, II. 4. S~Geven~~n, S~ree~ wark, 24:50 " 949, San~a ~aria Gas Co . S~ree~ ].i~;ht~s, 7B.4U " ~6~, H~rald--hecorde~, Print~.a~;, , 47:4b " 951, Sarcel7.os &~vr~an, S~.ppl.ies for ~r~~k,------- 3.1d " 9t3~, s~a~e Cnffip . Tii~ . Fw~d, ~~~ey~s insuran~e, b6:14 " 9~53, 8. F. S~er~ar'~, Sa7.ary os~~~;e, ~0~:~~ • " 9~4, Pac.Caast R.Y~. ~reigh~, ~.2.88 " ~8~, 3~.B.B.~.Rorp. Aydran~s ~Yai~er~ e~c~; 27:42 " 958~ BurQh ~e~t~~ Surr~eyin~; grades~ 49;00 " 967, Chas. ~X. Branch, Police ~fficer, 87.80 Tota1 b~L11s~ ~ bTr. Yat~erson of Santa Maria, mad~ app7.ica~ion to use ~he . Stree~s for ~,he purFose of mavin~ the ~.D.E.S. Ha11, the applicat~on wa~ ~ra~n~ed, pro~a.d~c~ :~~r. Pe~~erson filed ~ivnd in the sum of ~600.00 with the Board ~a cover any damages t~ha~ migh~ r~su1~G Prom the use af saatd S~reets, . J. A. S~a1~e~~G ca,me before the $oard reques~ing ~be mo~~in~ vf d3rt aJ.ong ~he ~orth s3.de af j~~s~ Branah S~ree~, s~ ~bs , on t~ha~ s~ide ot' ~he S~a~ee~ ,comes duwn -to the ed~e of' pa~eee~~; and i~ •e~y dan~eratie. No Furt~her '~us3nes~ aqmin~ before t~he Counc~il, ~he mee~sin~ was ad~o~ed. ~ y er . At~est, ` ,~~ayor. a r ~ s ` r - •